Gasparri (Forza Italia): museum director working for free? Commendable model

Senator Maurizio Gasparri, in his capacity as coordinator of Forza Italia’s Local Government Department, has also intervened in the matter of the call for bids for the director of the Regional Museum of Ceramics and the Municipal Art Gallery of Deruta (Perugia). The call for bids is at the center of bitter controversy because it involves a high-level position that requires high skills in exchange for nothing, because it is free of charge: the choice was then defended by the mayor of the Umbrian city, Michele Toniaccini, according to whom it will nevertheless be an experience that will enrich the curriculum of the professional who will hold the position.

For Gasparri, this is a commendable model. That’s right: for the senator, it is right for a professional with high qualifications to work for free. “Recently,” he said in a press note also published by Cittadini per Deruta, the civic list to which Mayor Toniaccini belongs, “I visited the Regional Museum of Ceramics and the Municipal Art Gallery of Deruta together with Mayor Toniaccini. I appreciated the sensitivity of the local administration that wants to enhance a historical activity of the Umbrian municipality. I also appreciated the mayor’s idea of issuing a call for tenders to identify a museum director, who obviously, since this is a municipality without major resources, should perform this function free of charge. This model has already been applied for similar-sized initiatives in many municipalities in Italy. I know that already many qualified people have joined this call by Mayor Toniaccini and the Deruta administration. This is a praiseworthy model, in which gratuitousness, quality, culture, and the enhancement of the characteristics of the territory meet.”

“I hope,” the senator concludes, “that Mayor Toniaccini’s effort will be crowned with success and I will soon return to meet with him to support the initiatives that his municipality, but also many other municipalities in Umbria, are promoting for the revival of tourism, local culture, and the identities of the territories at a time when there is a strong need for concrete initiatives.” Who knows what Senator Gasparri would say, however, if someone invited him to give up his allowances and serve as an MP for free: could this also be a commendable model? Surely it would be a concrete initiative?

Gasparri (Forza Italia): museum director working for free? Commendable model
Gasparri (Forza Italia): museum director working for free? Commendable model

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