Venice, Mose in action for the first time at night: city saved from high water

In Venice, the Mose went into operation for the first time at night, saving the city from a 135-cm tide that would have largely flooded it.

The Mose (Modulo sperimentale elettromeccanico), the system of mobile dams that defends Venice fromhigh water, went into operation for the first time at night and saved the city from the tide that would otherwise, with a predicted peak of 135 cm during the night (the maximum peak was then 129 cm at the Lido dam), have flooded the historic center. Bad weather is forecast for this weekend in Venice, and, the City Council says, the Mose gates will remain raised until Sunday afternoon (some will be lowered momentarily only this afternoon to allow some ships to transit).

Thanks to the Mose, the water level in the lagoon has remained stable at 75 cm, while, as mentioned, a peak of 129 cm was measured at the Lido dam, and with a sirocco wind blowing up to 75 kilometers per hour, water would have entered the lagoon reaching similar peaks and invading the city. This is an important result, because when the tide in the lagoon touches 130 cm, a flooding rate of 46 percent of the historic center is reached, an eventuality thus averted thanks to the entry into operation of the Mose dams.

The system thus replicates the success of the first two real tests, that of October 3, when 135 cm was always expected by noon, and that of October 15 (another 135 cm tide). The protocol calls for the system to go into action when the predicted tide is 130 cm. Currently, another similar peak of 130 cm is forecast for 1:50 p.m. tomorrow, Dec. 6, and by Monday the severe weather emergency is expected to recede. “Thanks to all the people now engaged in the operations at the Mose,” commented the mayor of Venice, Luigi Brugnaro, with satisfaction. “10:30 p.m. Friday, 4-12-20 Venice is defended against high water!”

Venice, Mose in action for the first time at night: city saved from high water
Venice, Mose in action for the first time at night: city saved from high water

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