That's why we lent the Runners for the Bottega Veneta fashion show. MANN clarifies

The National Archaeological Museum of Naples has clarified to our headline why the Herculaneum Runners were lent for the Bottega Veneta fashion show on Feb. 25. Here is what the MANN said.

The case of the Herculaneum Runners, lent by the National Archaeological Museum in Naples to fashion house Bottega Veneta for a fashion show held during Milan Fashion Week last Feb. 25, has caused much discussion. The two works, two extraordinary bronzes from the first century AD, went to compose a singular backdrop for the défilé, along with a fusion of Umberto Boccioni’s Unique Forms of Continuity of Space lent by the National Gallery of Cosenza, all on top of a carpet that imitated stracciatella ice cream.The idea of Bottega Veneta’s creative director, Frenchman Matthieu Blazy, was to convey the concept that Bottega Veneta’s clothes are timeless creations that embody the best of Italy.

The affair, which initially passed in silence, caused a lot of uproar, especially following an article published in our newspaper, which therefore felt it necessary to ask MANN for clarification: in particular, we asked whether originals or copies were on display at the show, what reasons motivated the loan, what the insurance value of the sculptures was, who paid the expenses (transportation, insurance, etc.) and how much they amounted to, how much the move kept the works away from the museum, whether there was a loan fee from Bottega Veneta and how much it amounted to, why the museum did not provide any communication about this operation, whether there is a collaboration with Bottega Veneta and what it provides for beyond MANN’s presence at the parade.

This is the response we received from MANN: "The three-day loan of the Herculaneum Runners for Fashion Week - Bottega Veneta is part of a broader action to promote MANN in Milan, which also included the loans of the Tazza Farnese to the Prada Foundation’s Recycling beauty exhibition, curated by Prof. Settis (with subsequent stop at the exhibition Dai Medici ai Rothschild. Patrons, Collectors, Philanthropists at Intesa Sanpaolo’s Gallerie d’Italia) and the Carafa Head, as well as the museum’s presence for more than a month in the Regione Campania space at Stazione Centrale. Specifically, the fee for the loan of the Corridors has been earmarked for the graphic rearrangement of the Villa dei Papiri section, where the two statues are on display, to which is added a supply of uniforms for the hall staff."

Photo: Bottega Veneta

That's why we lent the Runners for the Bottega Veneta fashion show. MANN clarifies
That's why we lent the Runners for the Bottega Veneta fashion show. MANN clarifies

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