Rome, Valeria Marini bathes in the Barcaccia: 550 euro fine and daspo. The vigilantes: vulgar action

Valeria Marini caught bathing in the Barcaccia fountain in Rome: 550 euro fine and 48-hour daspo for her.

She probably thought she was Anita Ekberg in La dolce vita, but the Barcaccia fountain in the Spanish Steps is certainly more uncomfortable than the Trevi fountain for taking a bath, we were in daylight, and most importantly, behind the camera was not Federico Fellini, but some random social media user. So, for Valeria Marini, the popular actress and showgirl made famous by the “Bagaglino” shows, the bill finally came for her bathing in the Barcaccia fountain filmed with a cell phone and immediately slapped on Youtube, Facebook and various social networks: she will have to pay a 550 euro fine, and the 48-hour urban banishment she was given will prevent her, for two days, from going near the historic fountains in Rome, her hometown.

Just in these days the new Urban Police regulations that have come into force in Rome were being discussed: Valeria Marini was therefore among the first people to sample the new sanctions. Evidently the soubrette would seem to have enjoyed herself, since she herself posted on Twitter, with lively satisfaction, the video of her clumsy “star bath” (as she called it) in the fountain, seasoning it with an original “Roma Amor” and sending “star kisses” to her fans. There is, however, little that is stellar in her behavior according to the Vigili di Roma Capitale: Antonio Di Maggio, head of the Local Police, stated that “it is singular that a well-known show business personality, who should be the first to provide a positive example of irreproachable conduct, instead becomes the protagonist of a vulgar as well as illicit action enacted only for pure personal interests. Such conduct is inadmissible, and I strongly condemn this offensive gesture toward the entire city and those who work every day to enforce the rules.”

The dive in a sequined and sequined dress into the fountain took place Wednesday evening at around 8:30, in front of a large crowd that immediately gathered in front of the Bernini monument as soon as they saw the scene: the gathering, however, attracted the attention of the vigilantes who were patrolling the Spanish Steps to chase away any tourists caught in bivouacs, and Valeria Marini was therefore immediately caught in the act. I wonder if now, before launching into improbable Fellini imitations, she will think twice?

Rome, Valeria Marini bathes in the Barcaccia: 550 euro fine and daspo. The vigilantes: vulgar action
Rome, Valeria Marini bathes in the Barcaccia: 550 euro fine and daspo. The vigilantes: vulgar action

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