Parthenon marbles, Greece reiterates its position. It is the result of theft: the British Museum's response

The Greek Ministry of Culture reiterates its position: it does not recognize the British Museum's jurisdiction, possession and ownership of the sculptures as the result of theft.

If for the first time the British Museum confirmed a few days ago that negotiations are underway with Greece with a view to a possible return of the Parthenon marbles to Athens (there was talk of “constructive discussions” with Greece), Greece ’s official response from the Ministry of Culture was not long in coming.

"The government, since the beginning of its term, has acted seriously, responsibly, sensitively and efficiently in order to realize the national goal of returning the Parthenon sculptures to Athens and thus reunite them in the Acropolis Museum. A series of events over the past two years undoubtedly presuppose this: from UNESCO’s decision in September 2021 and the final (sine die) reunification of the Fagan fragment, to the support of the Greek request by international public opinion," the official note says.

But it again reiterates "our country’s firm position that it does not recognize the British Museum’s jurisdiction, possession and ownership of the sculptures as the result of theft. We would expect that in this national effort the calculations of small parties would be left aside and there would be the involvement of everyone. Unfortunately, we do not see that. For some, the first goal is to wear down the government, even with lies, regardless of whether they harm the country. Too bad."

Image: British Museum, Parthenon Marbles, the southern part of the east pediment at the British Museum. Photo by Brian Jeffery Beggerly

Parthenon marbles, Greece reiterates its position. It is the result of theft: the British Museum's response
Parthenon marbles, Greece reiterates its position. It is the result of theft: the British Museum's response

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