Lucia Borgonzoni (League) lashes out at feminist street art project Fight is FICA: nudes out of place

Lucia Borgonzoni of the League dislikes the 'Fight is FICA' project, feminist street art in Bologna, and proposes replacing the posters with anti-crisis advertisements.

Leghist senator Lucia Borgonzoni, former undersecretary for cultural heritage in the gialloverde government, when minister was Alberto Bonisoli, lashed out at the feminist street art of The Struggle is FICA, the anti-racist, feminist, anti-violence, anti-racism, body and sex positive urban art project launched a couple of weeks ago by the Cheap Festival collective: it consists of twenty-five posters, created by as many women artists, put up in Via Indipendenza in Bologna, addressing various topical issues mostly related to gender issues (we had talked about it extensively in a June 19 article: photographs of most of the works can also be found there).

Borgonzoni, who at the beginning of her term as undersecretary had caused much controversy by declaring that she had not read a book in three years, and who recently tried to become president of Emilia Romagna but came out defeated by Stefano Bonaccini of the PD, did not like the presence of some posters where naked genitals are seen. “Out of place posters with nudes in Via Indipendenza,” she said, proposing to use the space for posters of “anti-crisis advertising.”

“In the very central Independence Street,” he wrote in a note, “is there nothing better to display than a woman’s genitals on a man’s body with six nipples? We always hear and talk about the protection of minors and then they allow nude images to be displayed in the central street of the city, here it is not respectability or anything else, here the issue starts from the common rules that are punctually disregarded in the name of a fake progressivism. On those spaces, perhaps, let’s put up billboards at no cost to the merchants, restaurateurs, and bartenders of Bologna who are paying the price of the post-Covid crisis or posters indicating useful sites and numbers to call to access help. I expect the guarantor for children’s rights to intervene, since those who govena the city are absent.”

At the moment Cheap merely expresses solidarity with the poster’s author, Silvia Calderoni, who has been attacked by dozens of social haters for her poster. “Silvia’s contribution,” they say, “claims the right of self-determination over one’s own body: in doing it for herself, she claims it for all/s.”

Lucia Borgonzoni (League) lashes out at feminist street art project Fight is FICA: nudes out of place
Lucia Borgonzoni (League) lashes out at feminist street art project Fight is FICA: nudes out of place

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