Venice but not only: ministry launches campaign to promote Venetian museums

It is titled "COOL-ture around Venice" the campaign that the Ministry of Culture is launching to promote Veneto's 18 museum sites. In the region there is not only Venice (where there are little-known museums anyway), but an area rich in often little-known treasures.

Venice but not only: there are many museums to visit around the capital of Veneto, within a few kilometers. Wonderful museums, full of treasures and little known, an opportunity to broaden one’s knowledge and discover the area. And even within Venice there are still roads little traveled by mass tourism and museums where it is possible to find calm and silence even in the months when the lagoon is most visited. This is the goal of the COOL-ture around Venice campaign funded by the Ministry of Culture and implemented by Ideeuropee in collaboration with the Veneto Regional Museums Directorate, theinstitute in charge of the 18 museum sites located throughout the region, from the Villa Pisani in Stra to the Atestino National Museum in Este, from the National Archaeological Museum in Adria to the Museo Concordiese in Portogruaro, from the Museum of Archaeology of the Sea in Caorle to the Villa del Bene in Dolcè, not forgetting museums in Venice such as the Ca’ d’Oro or Palazzo Grimani.

COOL-ture around Venice intends to address a wide audience with a fresh language, associated with images equally close to the current mode of transmission via social media: protagonists are the state museums of Veneto and their collections. The advertising campaign insists on the variety of the heritage: from the mysterious figure of the shaman at the Archaeological Museum of Verona, to the Renaissance beauty of Mantegna’s St. Sebastian at Ca’ d’Oro, from the marvelous colors of Adria’s glass, to the contemporary nature of Depero at the National Museum Collezione Salce.

An immense resource that the COOL-ture around Venice project presents in a solution aimed at drawing the user’s attention to the existence, richness, and ubiquity of the Museums in charge of the Directorate. The effects of the communication will simultaneously go to support the National Museum System, enhancing both its brand on a national and international level and its capillary presence in the territory, immediately associating it with both the 18 sites and the works housed in them.

The campaign will be proposed to Italians and foreigners at the main railway junctions in the Veneto region (Venice, Bologna, Verona) and at the “Marco Polo” international airport in Tessera, with a double claim, in English and Italian, with a simple tone of voice that opens the door to a direct and easily declined visual content.

“In the creative proposal,” Ideeuropee comments, "we also included a guerilla marketing activity, a communication technique focused on events to be held in an urban or high-frequency environment and with a strong creative connotation that allows a high spontaneous social virality by those who are involved. The idea: We want to create “works of art for living” where the audience can become the protagonist within the work itself by recreating it live. The same will be proposed for the museums of the Veneto Regional Directorate with an invitation to be protagonists of the campaign and spread COOL-ture around Venice."

Image: view of Villa Pisani in Stra.

Venice but not only: ministry launches campaign to promote Venetian museums
Venice but not only: ministry launches campaign to promote Venetian museums

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