Miramare Castle: priority to reopen the Park. Museum will reopen possibly on June 2

The Miramare museum complex will reopen to the public in two phases: on May 25 the Park, on June 2 the Museum.

With a view to a safe restart that complies with the latest government regulations, the Miramare museum complex will reopen to the public at two different times: the opening of the Historical Park is scheduled for May 25, and by this date, staff presences will be organized, sanitizing gels will be purchased and made available to the public, and both horizontal and vertical signage will be arranged to instruct the public on how to behave regarding safety distances and mandatory routes.

Therefore, priority was given to the opening of the Park, in view of the need to reappropriate open spaces. “I believe that at this time it is imperative to give citizens back the opportunity to enjoy the beauty and benefits that the Park offers,” said Director Andreina Contessa. “During these weeks we have never stopped taking care of it, beautifying it and making it even more attractive and safe for its loyal public. The new regulations require us to deploy staff who were previously employed only in the Castle, also to supervise the green areas, essentially to make sure that the rules of spacing and hygiene are respected.”

The Park will be open from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m., and certain arrangements will be made: access will be gained only from the main entrance (Miramare Avenue), information tools (signage and placards) will be provided both at the entrance and inside the Park and at the restrooms, access will be regulated and restricted, entry and exit routes will be separated, hand sanitizing solutions will be available to the public, and the use of a mask will be required, as well as maintaining an interpersonal distance of at least one meter.

Instead, the museum is scheduled to reopen on June 2. “We are counting on everyone’s willingness and responsibility to safely and as quickly as possible present all the services of the Historical Museum and Park again, knowing that the reopening is highly anticipated. The cultural offer will be expanded and will give the public new emotions,” the director concluded.

An interview with Andreina Contessa can be read at this link.

Ph.Credit Miramare Castle

Miramare Castle: priority to reopen the Park. Museum will reopen possibly on June 2
Miramare Castle: priority to reopen the Park. Museum will reopen possibly on June 2

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