Rome, here are the 2021 exhibitions at the Borghese Gallery: Guido Reni and Damien Hirst

The Borghese Gallery announced today what its exhibitions will be in 2021: a solo show by Damien Hirst and a focus on the newly acquired Guido Reni painting.

The Borghese Gallery in Rome has announced its exhibition program for 2021. There are two appointments on the calendar: the first is the Damien Hirst exhibition that was scheduled for 2020 but was postponed due to the Covid-19 pandemic, and the second is an exhibition-dossier dedicated to the Roman museum’s latest acquisition, Guido Reni’s Danza campestre, the work thought to be lost that was recently added to the institution’s collections.

The two exhibitions will be held in the spring and fall. Damien Hirst, curated by Anna Coliva and Mario Codognato, will be from May 10 to Oct. 10, 2021: a group of works from Hirst’s Treasures from the Wreck of the Unbelievable series, created for the 2017 Venice exhibition, will be displayed throughout the museum’s halls alongside ancient masterpieces. Colossal or tiny sculptures, made of precious materials such as bronze, Carrara marble or malachite will fit, together with his Color Space paintings, among the works in the permanent collection, according to a vision that combines the contemporary with the art of the past.

The exhibition dedicated to Danza campestre is entitled BALLIAMO? Guido Reni in Rome. Dance and Landscape, is curated by Francesca Cappelletti, and will run from November 2021 until February 2022: as anticipated, it is an in-depth look at the painting by Guido Reni that has just returned to Cardinal Scipione Borghese’s collection. Among the works in the collection’s first inventory, this festive landscape will be juxtaposed with other paintings from the artist’s contemporary production within the Borghese commission, but especially with other works by Bolognese artists, from Annibale Carracci to Domenichino, which are fundamental for understanding the intense phase of experimentation with landscape as a pictorial genre in the early seventeenth century.

“In a constructive perspective,” says Galleria Borghese director Francesca Cappelletti, "the agreements and projects to which the museum was committed have been confirmed, such as the programming on the contemporary initiated by the previous directorate, which in the spring will present the major exhibition of Damien Hirst, conceived for our exhibition rooms and oriented on the theme of collecting. It is precisely from our permanent collection, which in terms of importance has an international dimension, that new exhibitions originate, such as the one dedicated in the fall to Guido Reni’s painting Country Dance, newly acquired by the Museum."

Pictured: left, Damien Hirst, The Skull Beneath the Skin. Ph. Cuming Associates. Right: Guido Reni, Danza campestre. Ph. Credit C. Giusti

Rome, here are the 2021 exhibitions at the Borghese Gallery: Guido Reni and Damien Hirst
Rome, here are the 2021 exhibitions at the Borghese Gallery: Guido Reni and Damien Hirst

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