Tour guides, reform becomes operational. What changes

With the entry into force last July 13 of the implementing decree, the reform of the tour guide profession finally comes into effect. Here is what changes, and how from today to become a tour guide.

The new legislation on the “Discipline of the profession of tourist guide” is operational : with the entry into force on July 13 of the Implementing Regulations, training courses and, above all, examinations for access to the Official List qualifying for the profession can therefore also be announced. The parliament had approved the Bill last December(here is the article where we talked about it), and on June 28 the government issued the Decree with the Regulations(here is the text) that specifies and regulates the implementation aspects envisaged in the reform.

The legislation puts a period to some aspects long debated over the last decade and reopens the doors to those who want to undertake this work without being ’abusive’. In fact, the profession is defined on a par with others that have a Register in which to be present in order to practice: the establishment of this official List clearly defines who can and cannot practice the activity while providing for sanctions to those who do so without having the right to do so. The long-awaited result got a fundamental boost from being included within the objectives of the NRP: point M1C3 Reform 4.1 had precisely the title “Ordering of the professions of tour guides” and was to be realized within this year.

It is useful to go over the highlights of the reform and the details of the Regulations, which follow the goal of standardizing service delivery levels throughout the country, producing a positive effect on the market. Another sticking point after past controversies, in fact, was the definition of territorial competence in which one can practice: no longer on a regional basis but throughout the country. Access to the Directory will require passing a qualifying examination that will be announced annually. Let’s see what the requirements are.

Tour guide. Photo: Bernie Almanzar
Tour Guide. Photo: Bernie Almanzar

The requirements

To participate in the national licensing exam, one must be a citizen of Italy or a member state of the European Union or, if a citizen of non-EU states, be in compliance with current immigration regulations. One must be of legal age, a high school graduate and with full enjoyment of civil and political rights.

You are also required to have no final convictions or application of the penalty at the request of the parties for a criminal offense for which the law provides for the penalty of imprisonment or arrest. In addition to this, specifically, not having been convicted, even if not final, of crimes committed with abuse of a profession, art, industry, trade or commerce, or with violation of the duties inherent therein, which entail the disqualification or suspension thereof, pursuant to Articles 31 and 35 of the Penal Code.

The examination

The examination will be announced by the Ministry of Tourism and, as already announced, there are three stages: the written test, the oral test and the technical-practical test. The written test in Italian will consist of questions with open answers or to be chosen from multiple answers on the subjects of art history; geography; history; archaeology; tourism law, accessibility and inclusiveness of tourism offerings; and discipline of cultural heritage and landscape.

The oral test in Italian will essay the depth of knowledge on the same subjects, and the practical test will simulate a guided tour. Knowledge of a foreign language with a B2 proficiency level in the international classification is also required.

As a reminder, those already practicing the profession currently in a licensed manner will not have to take any exam but only the multi-year refresher courses. In order to participate in the exam you will have to pay 10 euros as a contribution to the costs of organizing the competition.

The badge

Following enrollment in the national list, the Ministry of Tourism will issue the tour guide with a personal identification card, presenting it will entitle them to free access to all sites where they exercise their profession or where they access for study or training purposes. A fee of 30 euros will be required for issuance.


The Regulations also regulate the conditions and procedures for exercising the profession of tourist guide on the basis of qualifications obtained abroad.

For citizens of the European Union and Switzerland in possession of the qualification to carry out the activity in their country, it is authorized to carry out the profession in two cases: on a temporary and occasional basis, under the regime of free provision of services, or on a stable basis, following the recognition of the professional qualification obtained within the EU and Switzerland after possible integration of the training through a measure defined as ’compensatory’. Which may be an aptitude test in the Italian language or, alternatively, in the completion of an adaptation apprenticeship. The activity of a tour guide is considered to have character when it is carried out for no more than sixty days per year, and in any case for no more than twenty continuous days, regardless of the number of tourists accompanied.


Penalties for those who carry out the activity while not registered in the National List range from a minimum of 3 to a maximum of 12 thousand euros, but intermediaries who put tourists in contact with unlicensed individuals will also be punishable from 5 thousand to 15 thousand euros.

Specialization courses

For specialization courses, the Ministry of Tourism authorizes the regions and autonomous provinces, and accredited bodies and in agreement with them, to organize and carry out specialization courses with theoretical and practical content, aimed at further thematic or territorial specialization

The thematic areas of thematic specialization are identified as: historical-artistic area; archaeological area; historical-demo-ethno-anthropological area; enogastronomic area; scientific-technological area; religious heritage; museum heritage; communication techniques for people with disabilities; communication techniques for childhood, adolescence and third age; Italian monumental heritage and also Italian musical heritage.

The territorial areas of specialization correspond to the territory of each province or region or to territories with homogeneous environmental characteristics such as local customs and traditions, typical handicrafts and food and wine products.

Refresher courses

For refresher courses, the Ministry of Tourism authorizes regions and autonomous provinces, and accredited bodies and in agreement with them, to organize and conduct professional refresher courses. Tour guides are required to attend at least fifty hours of training through one or more refresher courses every three years.

Scope of application

The provisions of the Regulations contained in the articles found in Chapter I - “Criteria and modalities for the conduct of the examination for qualification as a tourist guide”; Chapter III - “Conditions and modalities for the exercise of the profession of tourist guide on the basis of qualifications obtained abroad”; Chapter IV - “Discipline of specialization and refresher courses for the profession” do not apply to the special statute regions, Sicily, Sardinia, Valle d’Aosta, Friuli Venezia Giulia and the autonomous provinces of Trento and Bolzano where they are not compatible with their respective statutes and their implementing rules. They may therefore have opportunities to vary the way the exam is conducted.

All info

Here is the page of the Ministry of Tourism website with all details, information, forms and regulations. Also viewable is the National List of Guides recognized by the Ministry for the year 2024:

Tour guides, reform becomes operational. What changes
Tour guides, reform becomes operational. What changes

Warning: the translation into English of the original Italian article was created using automatic tools. We undertake to review all articles, but we do not guarantee the total absence of inaccuracies in the translation due to the program. You can find the original by clicking on the ITA button. If you find any mistake,please contact us.