Landscape, villages, art, walks, food and wine, outdoor activities: these are the major themes to focus on to promote all of Italy, from north to south, with a single common strategy. This is the purpose of Discover the Italy You Didn’t Know, the project that is part of the Ministry of Tourism’s National Promotion Plan 2020, which was presented by the regions at the 18th edition of Fa’ La Cosa Giusta, the fair of critical consumption and sustainable lifestyles, these days in Milan.
It is a joint promotion strategy of the Italian Regions resulting from a program agreement between the Ministry of Tourism and the Tourism Policy Commission, coordinated by the Abruzzo Region, of the Conference of Regions and Autonomous Provinces, in collaboration with ENIT. A project that sees the involvement as lead partner of the Emilia-Romagna, Umbria and Marche Regions each for the enhancement of a specific theme, with Abruzzo responsible for aspects related to interoperability with the Tourism Digital Hub. A real Italian Journey that will run for five months to transport tourists to discover the beauty of our territory.
A wide scope focused on the assets Italian villages and landscapes, identity, style, quality of life ( lead partner Emilia Romagna); Slow Tourism: walking, food and wine, art, cultural heritage (lead partner Umbria) and Active Tourism: biking, boating, Nordic walking and outdoor activities for summer and winter (lead partner Marche) told in a capillary way in the portal (soon online), a second-level domain of the portal managed by ENIT, with the intention of being an excellent showcase for The Italy You Didn’t Know just like the claim of the joint tourism promotion campaign.
The Italian regions pose themselves as a single entity, able to carry out a coordinated unified promotion on the national market, strengthened by the knowledge of their respective territories even in their hitherto lesser-known aspects, in parallel with the promotion of the Italy product that ENIT carries out on international markets: all in constant and close connection with the Ministry of Tourism, which thus exercises its coordinating functions. This is the first organic tourism project carried out jointly by all institutions.
The campaign, coordinated by the Regions together with the Agencies of reference - APT Servizi Emilia-Romagna, Sviluppumbria S.p.A., Fondazione Marche Cultura - has been conceived by Dilemma with the media strategy of The Gate Communication and is developed on articulated mix of media including web, press and radio with the production of different materials, some more generic and others more specific, able to involve the territorial realities of all Italy and their tourism offer. In addition to this, a social strategy will also be implemented.
But to further strengthen the Borghi product other activities will be implemented in the coming months starting with a national and interactive map with textual information and graphic materials of 1,000 Italian villages and landscapes. A digital communication format will also be created with iambassadors, aimed at the main foreign markets based on experiential tourism: 21 international “creators” (one for each region) will discover more than 60 Italian villages, experiencing them as if they were “locals,” with the aim of telling a 360° tourism offer made up of active, cultural, food and wine, slow, responsible and green tourism using only sustainable means of transport.
With respect to slow tourism, on the other hand, the emphasis is on what walking is today: an ever-growing trend that fills the soul and allows one to explore certain places with awareness by finding authenticity and networking. Co-marketing actions will be created with realities related to the world of food paying attention to territorial food and wine excellence. In the field new training initiatives for tourism actors. Walks and routes will be enhanced with a keen eye on targets such as families. The goal is the promotion of the Cammini d’Italia product with a clear and unified line of communication but at the same time enhancing regional peculiarities.
The promotion campaign also intends to propose the country in an outdoor key so as to enhance some practicable sports activities at the level of nature/experiential tourism, emphasizing the offer of all territories, and favoring, where possible, the enhancement of a homogeneous interregional network through routes that are as continuous as possible, tending to create a unique journey. The main focus will be on 3 products:
Sea Routes. Enhancing Italy as seen from the sea through interregional nautical itineraries and routes, linking various ports and tourist landings, to discover the cultural tourist and food and wine excellences of the coastal hinterland. Nautical tourism finally becomes a tourism segment.
Bike routes. Systematizing territorial and interregional routes with a series of services designed specifically for their needs.
Nordic Walking routes. Construction of a network of unique routes touching all regions to be crossed in Nordic walking mode.
This Italian Journey is a project that in the coming months will see its contents flow into the TDH - Tourism Digital Hub managed by ENIT. An action to enhance this national tool and which aims to significantly increase the brand awareness of Italy ; becoming more and more attractive to all kinds of tourism markets. In addition, this will also make it possible to systematize in a single digital collection, of the national offer, the great wealth of work done so far by the individual Regions with respect to their territories.
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Discover the Italy you didn't know: Italian regions together to promote the Bel Paese |
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