Yves Klein - Finestre sull'Arte

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"Exaspérations monochromes. Yves Klein, blue, the color of emptiness.

"Exaspérations monochromes. Yves Klein, blue, the color of emptiness.

Blue BlueBlue. This is the title of Dino Buzzati's review of the exhibition Monochrome Proposals: Blue Era, a solo show held by Yves Klein in 1957 at the Apollinaire Gallery in Milan. A title that immediately draws attention to one of the trait...
Genoa, blue Klein challenges 17th-century Bernardo Strozzi at Villa Croce

Genoa, blue Klein challenges 17th-century Bernardo Strozzi at Villa Croce

In addition to ArteJeans and Ben Patterson's restored Constellation, the multifaceted exhibition BLUE Fall at Villa Croce offers three other exhibitions: Klein vs. Strozzi. Under the Sign of Blue, Rocco Borella. Blue Tribute for the Centennial, Flavi...
Genoa, five exhibitions linked by Blue. From jeans to Yves Klein

Genoa, five exhibitions linked by Blue. From jeans to Yves Klein

The Villa Croce Museum of Contemporary Art in Genoa is preparing to offer an autumn in blue: until January 17, 2021, it will host the exhibition project Autunno BLU a Villa Croce. From the Blue of Genoa by ArteJeans to the Infinite of Yves Klein, pro...
Not just Yves Klein: Genoa's Villa Croce Museum wears blue with five exhibitions

Not just Yves Klein: Genoa's Villa Croce Museum wears blue with five exhibitions

The Villa Croce Museum of Contemporary Art in Genoa is preparing to offer an autumn in blue: from September 30, 2020 to January 17, 2021, the exhibition project Autunno BLU a Villa Croce will be held. From the Blue of Genoa by ArteJeans to the Infini...

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