Verrocchio - Finestre sull'Arte

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Verrocchio and Leonardo da Vinci's Baptism of Christ: when pupil and master collaborate

Verrocchio and Leonardo da Vinci's Baptism of Christ: when pupil and master collaborate

A great many artists in the history of art have tried their hand at the theme of the Baptism of Christ, but perhaps no painting with this subject is as singular as the one by Verrocchio (Andrea di Michele di Francesco di Cione; Florence, 1435 - Venic...
Verrocchio's "spectacular" Madonna of Santa Maria Nuova

Verrocchio's "spectacular" Madonna of Santa Maria Nuova

It took Verrocchio several years to reach the degree of technical perfection of the Madonna of Santa Maria Nuova, an exceptional terracotta relief that the public can admire today at the Bargello National Museum. And it took the world four ce...
Verrocchio, Leonardo's Master. Postilla, or considerations on the Palazzo Strozzi exhibition.

Verrocchio, Leonardo's Master. Postilla, or considerations on the Palazzo Strozzi exhibition.

The valuable set of materials brought together for the exhibition Verrocchio, Leonardo's Master offered an opportunity for reflection and further insights, as is the case with any event of a high scholarly level. The documentation relate...
Out of exhibition: the Resurrection of Christ by Verrocchio, from Careggi to the second floor of the Bargello Museum

Out of exhibition: the Resurrection of Christ by Verrocchio, from Careggi to the second floor of the Bargello Museum

For Eleonora Luciano, in memoriam. "One of the most astonishing sculptures of the Florentine second half of the 15th century" (Caglioti in Florence 1992, p. 171), the Resurrection of Christ by Andrea del Verrocchio (Florence, 1435 - Venice, 1488) ...
The exhibition on Andrea del Verrocchio in Florence: hypotheses and problems

The exhibition on Andrea del Verrocchio in Florence: hypotheses and problems

The exhibition dedicated in Florence to the theme Verrocchio master of Leonardo (Palazzo Strozzi, March 9-July 14, 2019) is contained in size, well readable, sober in its layout and supported by a concise verbal commentary. It was exciting for me...
Verrocchio master of Leonardo, the first monographic exhibition on the great artist among masterpieces and new attributions

Verrocchio master of Leonardo, the first monographic exhibition on the great artist among masterpieces and new attributions

Despite the fact that the figure of Verrocchio (Andrea di Michele di Francesco Cioni; Florence, c. 1435 - Venice, 1488) is universally considered to be among the most significant in the history of art and his achievements are recognized as the ba...
Donatello and Verrocchio from the Silverman collection on display in Florence: a difficult exhibition for the public?

Donatello and Verrocchio from the Silverman collection on display in Florence: a difficult exhibition for the public?

The new Museo dell'Opera del Duomo in Florence is hosting until February 26, 2017 Donatello and Verrocchio. Masterpieces Rediscovered. The exhibition presents, in fact, two great masterpieces by two equally great artists of 15th-century Florence: ...

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