Valtiberina - Finestre sull'Arte

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Jacopo della Quercia's Madonna in Anghiari: a sculpture...versatile.

Jacopo della Quercia's Madonna in Anghiari: a sculpture...versatile.

A marvelous Renaissance wooden sculpture has been enriching the state heritage since 1977: it is the Madonna and Child by Jacopo della Quercia (Siena, c. 1374 - 1438), purchased that year by the Superintendency of Arezzo and now the most important wo...
The Battle of Anghiari: from Leonardo's masterpiece to the landscape witness of the

The Battle of Anghiari: from Leonardo's masterpiece to the landscape witness of the

The Battle of Anghiari, although a rather important historical episode, would not be a well-known fact to most people today if it did not tie its memory to Leonardo da Vinci and the famous painting that the genius from Vinci allegedly began and never...
Tuscan Valtiberina, what to see: 10 places not to be missed

Tuscan Valtiberina, what to see: 10 places not to be missed

Along the Tiber River, guarded by the peaks of theTuscan Apennines, lies the Valtiberina, a splendid area straddling Tuscany and Umbria, characterized by its natural beauty, its rolling hills that then give way to mountains, dense forests and verdant...
The role of graphics in the fortunes of Leonardo da Vinci's Battle of Anghiari

The role of graphics in the fortunes of Leonardo da Vinci's Battle of Anghiari

The great absentee in art history is the famous Battle of Anghiari commissioned from Leonardo da Vinci (Vinci, 1452 - Amboise, 1519) to decorate one of the walls of the Salone del Maggior Consiglio, now the Salone del Cinquecento, in the Palazzo Vecc...
Touring the Rognosi Mountains, in a little-known and unspoiled corner of Tuscany

Touring the Rognosi Mountains, in a little-known and unspoiled corner of Tuscany

A lush reserve in the far east of Tuscany, on the border withUmbria, among undulating hills and verdant valleys: it is here, in the municipal territory of Anghiari, between the Alpe di Catenaia and the Apennines, along the banks of the Sovara stream,...
On the Tiber floodplain in Valtiberina, in the landscapes beloved by Pliny the Younger

On the Tiber floodplain in Valtiberina, in the landscapes beloved by Pliny the Younger

The Valtiberina, renowned for its rich cultural and artistic history, also offers extraordinary natural beauty. Among the gems of this little-known area of Tuscany is theGolena del Tevere Protected Natural Area, a place where unspoiled nature unfolds...
Sansepolcro, restoration of Rosso Fiorentino's Deposition ends after seven years

Sansepolcro, restoration of Rosso Fiorentino's Deposition ends after seven years

The precious altarpiece of the Deposition of Christ, a 16th-century masterpiece by Rosso Fiorentino (Giovanni Battista di Jacopo; Florence, 1494 - Fontainebleau, 1540), has finally returned to Sansepolcro after seven years, during which it underwent ...
Amidst ancient legends and medieval vestiges, a tour on the Alpe della Luna

Amidst ancient legends and medieval vestiges, a tour on the Alpe della Luna

An ancient legend of the Valtiberina tells that in the Middle Ages a knight, Manfredi di Montedoglio, lived in these parts and was in love with a young country noblewoman, Rosalia, daughter of the squire of Colcellalto. Because of the difference in c...

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