Treviso - Finestre sull'Arte

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Major monograph on Paris Bordon in Treviso postponed due to health emergency. New dates

Major monograph on Paris Bordon in Treviso postponed due to health emergency. New dates

Initially scheduled to run from February 25 to June 26, 2022 at the Museo di Santa Caterina in Treviso, the largest monographic exhibition ever held on Paris Bordon(Treviso, 1500 - Venice, 1571), entitled Paris Bordon. Divine Painter, has been postpo...
Treviso, original plaster cast of Canova's Cupid and Psyche on display at the Bailo Museum for Valentine's Day

Treviso, original plaster cast of Canova's Cupid and Psyche on display at the Bailo Museum for Valentine's Day

On the occasion of Valentine's Day, the original plaster cast of Antonio Canova'sAmore e Psiche (Cupid and Psyche ) will be exceptionally displayed at the Bailo Museum in Treviso on Feb. 13 and 14 afternoons. The sculptural group will be at the cente...
Treviso dedicates exhibition to Dante's journey, ahead of Grand Bailo opening

Treviso dedicates exhibition to Dante's journey, ahead of Grand Bailo opening

In anticipation of the May 2022 opening of the expanded and renovated Grande Bailo, from December 18, 2021 to March 27, 2022, the Bailo Museum in Treviso is hosting the exhibition Treviso. Dante's Journey. The scholarly project by Paola Bonifacio, Ma...
Bernardo Strozzi masterpiece arrives in Treviso from Vienna's Kunsthistorisches Museum

Bernardo Strozzi masterpiece arrives in Treviso from Vienna's Kunsthistorisches Museum

Arriving from the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna is the famous Portrait of Doge Francesco Erizzo, a masterpiece by Bernardo Strozzi, which will be on display at the Civic Museum of Santa Caterina in Treviso from November 19, 2021 to February 13, ...
In Treviso an exhibition on Renato Casaro, the last great poster designer of cinema

In Treviso an exhibition on Renato Casaro, the last great poster designer of cinema

In Treviso, with a major exhibition in three different city venues-at the new Museo Nazionale Collezione Salce, which opens for the occasion in the rediscovered Church of Santa Margherita, at the Complesso di San Gaetano, the other museum venue, and ...
In Treviso a major exhibition dedicated to Renato Casaro, the last great poster designer of cinema

In Treviso a major exhibition dedicated to Renato Casaro, the last great poster designer of cinema

From March 28 to Sept. 30, 2021, Treviso celebrates the last of the great movie poster artists, Renato Casaro (Treviso, 1935), with a major exhibition divided among three venues. The last protagonist of a vanished art, Renato Casaro is credited with ...
The father of Baci Perugina on display in Treviso

The father of Baci Perugina on display in Treviso

The Salce National Museum in Treviso will host from March 17 to September 2, 2018, a monographic exhibition entirely dedicated to the "daddy of Baci Perugina": Federico Seneca. The retrospective will present to the public the latter's artistic activ...

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