Tour guides - Finestre sull'Arte

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Tour guides, reform becomes operational. What changes

Tour guides, reform becomes operational. What changes

The new legislation on the "Discipline of the profession of tourist guide" is operational : with the entry into force on July 13 of the Implementing Regulations, training courses and, above all, examinations for access to the Official List qualifying...
Udine: the new walks with Elena Commessatti in the heart of the city

Udine: the new walks with Elena Commessatti in the heart of the city

UDINE: Sentimental, Cheerful and a Little Rock History is the title of the new 2024 spring tour conceived and led by Elena Commessatti in the heart of the city of Udine. It consists of several walks, organized and carried out in collaboration with Pr...
Tremble, the witches are back: museum tours are among the activities still banned in Italy

Tremble, the witches are back: museum tours are among the activities still banned in Italy

In the Middle Ages it was cats and witches, now it is tour guides; who are in fact for the vast majority women who are afraid of the virus. In fact, judging by the current regulations, they are considered dangerous to everyone around, because s...

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