Renato Guttuso - Finestre sull'Arte

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Ligabue, Guttuso, Pirandello: three artists on display at Reggio Emilia's Galleria de' Bonis

Ligabue, Guttuso, Pirandello: three artists on display at Reggio Emilia's Galleria de' Bonis

From January 30 to February 27, 2021, Galleria de' Bonis in Reggio Emilia presents the exhibition Arte Fiera Arrives in the Gallery. Man, Nature and the Environment in the History of Art, which stems from a nucleus of works collected for Arte Fiera, ...
One hundred masterpieces by great masters of the 20th century, from Guttuso to Vedova to De Pisis, in Livorno

One hundred masterpieces by great masters of the 20th century, from Guttuso to Vedova to De Pisis, in Livorno

From October 30, 2020, to January 31, 2021, the Museo della Città in Livorno will host the exhibition Vissi d'arte - Cento capolavori dalle collezioni Della Ragione e Iannaccone, conceived by Sergio Risaliti, director of the Museo Novecento in...
Renato Guttuso, man and artist. In Sicily, an exhibition recounts him through his works

Renato Guttuso, man and artist. In Sicily, an exhibition recounts him through his works

The Museo Civico di Noto - Ex Convento di Santa Chiara hosts until October 22, 2020 the exhibition Io, Renato Guttuso, curated by Giuliana Fiori. The exhibition is part of La Sicilia, i Siciliani e la sicilitudine and is the first exhibition event o...
In Reggio Emilia portraits of women in the 20th century, from Guttuso to Campigli

In Reggio Emilia portraits of women in the 20th century, from Guttuso to Campigli

From March 7 to 28, 2020, the de' Bonis Gallery in Reggio Emilia presents the exhibition One, None, One Hundred Thousand. Portraits of Women in the Twentieth Century. Women have been the protagonists of numerous works of art, in painting, sculpture ...
Renato Guttuso's Vucciria goes on the road in Rome

Renato Guttuso's Vucciria goes on the road in Rome

One of Renato Guttuso's most famous masterpieces, La Vucciria, housed in the Monumental Complex of Palazzo Chiaramonte - Steri, home of the Rectorate of the University of Palermo, will be exhibited from Nov. 29, 2019 to Jan. 12, 2020 in the Sala dell...
Pompeii and Santorini: at the Scuderie del Quirinale the history of the two sites destroyed by volcanic eruptions

Pompeii and Santorini: at the Scuderie del Quirinale the history of the two sites destroyed by volcanic eruptions

From October 11, 2019 to January 6, 2020, the Scuderie del Quirinale in Rome is hosting the exhibition Pompeii and Santorini. Eternity in a Day, which traces the history of the two major volcanic eruptions that affected the island of Thera, now known...
Oversize. Large-format works from its collections on display at CAMeC.

Oversize. Large-format works from its collections on display at CAMeC.

On the occasion of the 15th Day of the Contemporary promoted by AMACI, CAMeC in La Spezia will open on Saturday, October 12, 2019 at 6 p.m. the exhibition Oversize. Great Masterpieces from the CAMeC Collections, open to the public until September 20,...
From Modigliani to Schiele, an exhibition of drawings by the greats of the 20th century at the Museo Novecento in Florence

From Modigliani to Schiele, an exhibition of drawings by the greats of the 20th century at the Museo Novecento in Florence

Rendezvous with a new exhibition dedicated to drawing in the rooms on the second floor of the Novecento Museum in Florence. It is entitled Nel Novecento. From Modigliani to Schiele from De Chirico to Licini and is on view from July 12 to October 17, ...

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