portraiture - Finestre sull'Arte

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An exhibition in Macerata compares portraits from the 1700s and contemporary portraits.

An exhibition in Macerata compares portraits from the 1700s and contemporary portraits.

From June 28, 2024 to January 12, 2025, the Civic Museums of Palazzo Buonaccorsi in Macerata presents the exhibition Vis-à-vis, a reflection on eighteenth-century and contemporary portraiture, curated by Elsa Barbieri, Massimo Francucci and Gi...
Ca' Pesaro hosts exhibition on 19th-century Venetian portraiture that reconstructs a 100-year-old exhibition

Ca' Pesaro hosts exhibition on 19th-century Venetian portraiture that reconstructs a 100-year-old exhibition

From October 21, 2023, to April 1, 2024, the Galleria d'Arte Moderna di Ca' Pesaro in Venice presents the exhibition The Venetian Portrait of the Nineteenth Century, which aims to reconstruct the 1923 exhibition that Nino Barbantini, the first direct...
In Switzerland the first-ever exhibition on Giovanni Segantini's portraiture

In Switzerland the first-ever exhibition on Giovanni Segantini's portraiture

Kick off the first-ever exhibition on the portraiture of one of the greatest masters of the second half of the 19th century, Giovanni Segantini (Arco, 1858 - Pontresina, 1899). The exhibition, titled Giovanni Segantini master of portraiture, ...
An exhibition in Ferrara on Boldini and the birth of the female portrait

An exhibition in Ferrara on Boldini and the birth of the female portrait

At the Castello Estense in Ferrara, in the Sala dei Comuni, the exhibition Boldini is on display until June 6, 2021. From Drawing to Painting. Around the Contessa de Leusse, on the occasion of the 90th year since the death of Giovanni Boldini (Ferrar...
Two hundred portraits on display at MAXXI for Giovanni Gastel's photography exhibition

Two hundred portraits on display at MAXXI for Giovanni Gastel's photography exhibition

In Rome, MAXXI - Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo presents until November 22, 2020 the photographic exhibition Giovanni Gastel. The people I like, curated by Uberto Frigerio. In a world premiere, Giovanni Gastel (Milan, 1955) shows more tha...

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