Pisa - Finestre sull'Arte

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A novel technique in the history of mosaics: the Annunciation in Pisa Cathedral

A novel technique in the history of mosaics: the Annunciation in Pisa Cathedral

Entering Pisa Cathedral through the main door, we are greeted by the large apsidal mosaic that stands out imposingly at the end of the nave. In the center, Christ Pantocrator by Francesco da Pisa stands out, while on the right we find the figure of S...
The Domus Mazziniana in Pisa, a place of memory of the Risorgimento

The Domus Mazziniana in Pisa, a place of memory of the Risorgimento

The Domus Mazziniana, set in the historic heart of Pisa, can be considered a monument of extraordinary historical and cultural significance. Heir to the Rosselli-Nathan House, the last home of Giuseppe Mazzini, where the patriot drew his last breath ...
The Pacinotti Fund, a heritage of science and innovation at the Museum of Physics Instruments in Pisa

The Pacinotti Fund, a heritage of science and innovation at the Museum of Physics Instruments in Pisa

The Museum of Physics Instruments at the University of Pisa is one of the most prestigious institutions in Italy for the preservation and study of the history of science and physics. It is here that a unique and valuable core collection is preserved ...
Stories of disease and care in the Museum of Pathological and Paleopathological Anatomy of Pisa

Stories of disease and care in the Museum of Pathological and Paleopathological Anatomy of Pisa

"If [...] rare affections of Viscera, or of Parts, morbid concretions, etc., are encountered, these pathological pieces shall be scrupulously collected, and prepared for preservation for the instruction of Physicians, and Surgeons. Thus, for example,...
Pietro Giarrè in the Charterhouse of Calci: a continuous dialogue between painting, sculpture and architecture

Pietro Giarrè in the Charterhouse of Calci: a continuous dialogue between painting, sculpture and architecture

The Carthusian Monastery of Calci, also known as "Certosa di Pisa," is a former Carthusian monastery with a sumptuous structure located in the Val Graziosa, a plain lying between the Pisan mountains. The building owes itself to continuous remodeling ...
The ship Alkedo, the flagship of the Museum of Ancient Ships in Pisa

The ship Alkedo, the flagship of the Museum of Ancient Ships in Pisa

It was most likely called Alkedo, meaning "alcyone," the name of a bird typical of sea areas. And it is probably the best known of the Roman ships discovered around Pisa. A large ship made of holm oak and pine wrecked in the first century A.D., a riv...
The Museo Storico delle Aviotruppe in Pisa: a journey through the history of Italian military parachuting

The Museo Storico delle Aviotruppe in Pisa: a journey through the history of Italian military parachuting

Located inside the Gamerra Barracks, the Pisa Airborne Museum is a landmark for all military history enthusiasts and for anyone who wants to learn more about the strategic role and sacrifice of Italian paratroop units. It is a very special, rare muse...
The Museum of Human Anatomy in Pisa, a journey through the human body among mummies and embalmed heads

The Museum of Human Anatomy in Pisa, a journey through the human body among mummies and embalmed heads

University museum collections generally derive their origins from an Enlightenment conception, which changed an encyclopedic approach to knowledge to a specialized one. Guided by this new instance, collections born as Wunderkammer, with the purpose o...

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