Pino Pascali - Finestre sull'Arte

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Note on Pino Pascali at the Prada Foundation

Note on Pino Pascali at the Prada Foundation

One of the most beautiful photographs of Pino Pascali was taken by Andrea Taverna in the artist's Roman studio in 1968: it depicts him as a rural shaman, dressed in raffia costumes and other objects. In fact, however, at its highest points, that shoo...
Polignano a Mare's Pino Pascali Museum Foundation, the virtuosity of hospitality

Polignano a Mare's Pino Pascali Museum Foundation, the virtuosity of hospitality

June seven years ago saw the inauguration of the current home of the most active and lively center for stable contemporary art in Apulia: the one named since 1998 after Pino Pascali (Bari, 1935 - Rome, 1968) in Polignano a Mare, the city of origin of...

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