Piero di Cosimo - Finestre sull'Arte

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Piero di Cosimo's Magdalene, a lady in the guise of a saint

Piero di Cosimo's Magdalene, a lady in the guise of a saint

When she first reveals herself to the visitor to Palazzo Barberini, Piero di Cosimo's Magdalene appears as an image so startling, so unexpected, so modern that she does not even look like a work of the 15th century. And she is so real and ali...
In Osimo an exhibition on the origins of street art. Keith Haring and Paolo Buggiani

In Osimo an exhibition on the origins of street art. Keith Haring and Paolo Buggiani

Opens today in Osimo, at Palazzo Campana, the exhibition Made in New York. Keith Haring and Paolo Buggiani. The True Origin of Street Art, open to the public until January 10, 2021. Curated by Gianluca Marziani, the exhibition aims to celebrate U.S....
The prehistory of humanity according to Piero di Cosimo, rereading Panofsky

The prehistory of humanity according to Piero di Cosimo, rereading Panofsky

The recent exhibition on Piero di Cosimo (1462 - 1522) at the Uffizi (and, even before the latter, the immediately preceding retrospective held at the National Gallery in Washington) had, among others, the merit of bringing together a good part of th...
The nymph of Piero di Cosimo: an elegy on panel.

The nymph of Piero di Cosimo: an elegy on panel.

Any art history textbook in which the figure of Piero di Cosimo (1462 - 1522) is outlined certainly does not discount his eccentric and, as Federico Zeri had to add, unconventional nature: they all report the oddities and quirks of his character....

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