Patrons of Tuscany - Finestre sull'Arte

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Banking foundations in Tuscany: what they do for art

Banking foundations in Tuscany: what they do for art

Tuscany, with its rich and deep-rooted artistic traditions, has always attracted to its lands artists, scholars and art lovers from all over the world, who have always found fertile ground for their ideas here, given also the strong tradition of patr...
How Pandolfo Petrucci's patronage changed the face of Siena in the Renaissance

How Pandolfo Petrucci's patronage changed the face of Siena in the Renaissance

A patron so splendid that he earned the appellation "Magnifico." Pandolfo Petrucci (Siena, 1452 - San Quirico d'Orcia, 1512) was one of the most powerful men in late 15th-century Siena , and his activities in the arts contributed substantially to sh...
Entrepreneurs and art patrons of today's Tuscany: who they are and what they do

Entrepreneurs and art patrons of today's Tuscany: who they are and what they do

Tuscany is not only celebrated for its beautiful landscapes and unparalleled artistic heritage, but also for a tradition of patronage that has spanned the centuries. Today, this noble practice finds expression in modern business and professional patr...
Portrait of a patron between Rome and the Apuan Alps: cardinal Alderano Cybo

Portrait of a patron between Rome and the Apuan Alps: cardinal Alderano Cybo

Over the course of a long life (he died at age 87) and a very long cardinalate (he wore the purple for 55 years, beginning in 1645), Cardinal Alderano Cybo (Genoa, 1613 - Rome, 1700) translated a great interest in the arts - from music to literature,...
Women patrons in Tuscany: female patronage from the 16th to the early 20th century

Women patrons in Tuscany: female patronage from the 16th to the early 20th century

The topic of female patronage has begun to appear in the field of art history studies in recent years. In the field of gender studies, there has recently been a flourishing of research that has largely focused on women artists, and at most a few pion...
Art and wine in Tuscany: who are the patrons of wineries

Art and wine in Tuscany: who are the patrons of wineries

A long and centuries-old tradition links Tuscany 's wine producers toart. The region has always had wine producers among its wealthiest patrons, through a history that unfolds over the centuries. It would suffice to think of the great families that h...
Patronage in 15th century Florence: palaces, chapels, works

Patronage in 15th century Florence: palaces, chapels, works

In 1472, there were more woodcarvers than butchers in Florence . We know this from the Chronicle of Benedetto Dei, in which 84 stores of "woodcarvers of tarsias and 'ntagliatori" are listed for that year, compared to 70 beccai (the butchers, precise...
Origins of Patronage. Gaius Cilnius Maecenas and his support of the arts.

Origins of Patronage. Gaius Cilnius Maecenas and his support of the arts.

The term "patronage" refers to the activity of anyone who favors the arts by granting munificent support to those who produce them (artists, writers, musicians, filmmakers, and so on). The term today mainly designates the activity of companies or ind...

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