Oliviero Toscani - Finestre sull'Arte

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Photography to break down inequality. Human Race, the project of Oliviero Toscani

Photography to break down inequality. Human Race, the project of Oliviero Toscani

From Oct. 25, 2019, to Feb. 2, 2020, Senigallia City of Photography will host Oliviero Toscani's Razza Umana exhibition: seventy photographs displayed in the rooms of Palazzo Ducale and Palazzetto Baviera will tell the story of the world's citizens t...
I See Naked. Art between seduction and censorship in San Benedetto del Tronto.

I See Naked. Art between seduction and censorship in San Benedetto del Tronto.

At the Palazzina Azzurra in San Benedetto del Tronto, the exhibition Vedo nudo. Art between seduction and censorship. The exhibition aims to be an artistic and conceptual historical journey to discover the many expressions and transformations of the...
Major Oliviero Toscani retrospective exhibition in Chiasso: the first time in Switzerland

Major Oliviero Toscani retrospective exhibition in Chiasso: the first time in Switzerland

Them.a.x. Museum in Chiasso, Switzerland, will dedicate a retrospective on Oliviero Toscani, a great communicator of Italian advertising. "Imagining," the title of the exhibition, will be curated by Nicoletta Ossanna Cavadini, director of the museum...

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