Museums - Finestre sull'Arte

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Are they closing the Leonardo3 Museum to put a restaurant in its place? Director speaks

Are they closing the Leonardo3 Museum to put a restaurant in its place? Director speaks

The Leonardo3 Museum in Milan risks closure: this is the possible effect of a bureaucratic-administrative dispute over the space in which the facility is located, which has been dragging on since 2023 and has already reached the Lombardy Regional Adm...
Official Giacomo Casanova Museum to open in Venice, at Zaguri Palace

Official Giacomo Casanova Museum to open in Venice, at Zaguri Palace

In 2025 Venice will celebrate one of its most illustrious sons with the opening of the Museo Ufficiale Giacomo Casanova at Palazzo Zaguri in the heart of the city. Sponsored by the Giacomo Casanova Foundation, now headed by President Mauro Rigoni, th...
Mindfulness, art therapy, ArtUp: practicing them in museums reduces anxiety and stress

Mindfulness, art therapy, ArtUp: practicing them in museums reduces anxiety and stress

The results that emerged from research within the ASBA (Anxiety, Stress, Brain-friendly museum, Approach - The museum ally of the brain against anxiety and stress) project, the brainchild of Annalisa Banzi, a researcher at CESPEB (Centro Studi sulla ...
The Museo Storico delle Aviotruppe in Pisa: a journey through the history of Italian military parachuting

The Museo Storico delle Aviotruppe in Pisa: a journey through the history of Italian military parachuting

Located inside the Gamerra Barracks, the Pisa Airborne Museum is a landmark for all military history enthusiasts and for anyone who wants to learn more about the strategic role and sacrifice of Italian paratroop units. It is a very special, rare muse...
On the ... postmodern rearrangement of the GAM in Turin: is this what we want from a museum today?

On the ... postmodern rearrangement of the GAM in Turin: is this what we want from a museum today?

The Gallery of Modern Art (GAM) in Turin is not just any museum: it has been in existence for more than a century, is often proudly presented as the first public collection of modern art in Italy, and houses one of the richest and most comprehensive ...
Rome, criticism of current management of National Gallery of Modern Art from CUNSTA and CGIL

Rome, criticism of current management of National Gallery of Modern Art from CUNSTA and CGIL

The management of the National Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art is at the center of criticism coming from the National University Council for Art History (CUNSTA), which released an open letter criticizing the choices of the current director, a...
The Museum of Human Anatomy in Pisa, a journey through the human body among mummies and embalmed heads

The Museum of Human Anatomy in Pisa, a journey through the human body among mummies and embalmed heads

University museum collections generally derive their origins from an Enlightenment conception, which changed an encyclopedic approach to knowledge to a specialized one. Guided by this new instance, collections born as Wunderkammer, with the purpose o...
Leonardo3 Museum still at risk of closure. Director threatens hunger strike

Leonardo3 Museum still at risk of closure. Director threatens hunger strike

The Leonardo3 Museum has won an important battle, but it has not yet won the war. The latest developments in the thorny affair that threatens to shut down the museum located in Milan 's Galleria Vittorio Emanuele were summed up yesterday at a press c...

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