MEF - Ettore Fico Museum - Finestre sull'Arte

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Turin, at the Ettore Fico Museum two solo shows of Pignatelli and Scarabello

Turin, at the Ettore Fico Museum two solo shows of Pignatelli and Scarabello

From March 11 to June 19, 2022, the MEF-Museum Ettore Fico in Turin will present two solo shows by two Italian artists of different generations: Luca Pignatelli (Milan, 1962) and Alessandro Scarabello (Rome, 1979). The ground-floor rooms of the muse...
Massimo Vitali's human constellations on display in Turin

Massimo Vitali's human constellations on display in Turin

From September 25 to December 20, 2020, the MEF - Museo Ettore Fico in Turin hosts the exhibition Massimo Vitali. Human Constellations, a solo exhibition by Lombard photographer Massimo Vitali (Como, Italy, 1944) curated by Andrea Busto. The exhibiti...

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