Mantua - Finestre sull'Arte

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Instructions for making an exhibition of engravings lively. What the exhibition on Sculptors in Mantua looks like.

Instructions for making an exhibition of engravings lively. What the exhibition on Sculptors in Mantua looks like.

One episode alone would be enough to give an idea of the temperament of Giovanni Battista Scultori, an elusive artist who worked in Giulio Romano's Mantua, working among stuccoes, carvings, drawings, and engravings. It is a discussion Scultori had wi...
Exhibition on the mansions and objects of Count Hannibal Chieppio opens in Mantua

Exhibition on the mansions and objects of Count Hannibal Chieppio opens in Mantua

On view from April 20 to November 3, 2024 at the halls of the Palazzo d'Arco in Mantua is the exhibition Annibale Chieppio (1563-1623). "Rare and Precious Things" between Mantua and the Gonzaga. The exhibition promoted by the d'Arco Foundation and cu...
An altarpiece for the duke's sister: St. Margaret presented at Trinity by Anton Maria Viani

An altarpiece for the duke's sister: St. Margaret presented at Trinity by Anton Maria Viani

Antonio Maria Viani was the prefect of the ducal factories in Mantua when his colleague Domenico Fetti portrayed him, in 1618, in a large canvas that was part of a cycle devoted to the life of Margherita Gonzaga, sister of Duke Vincenzo I: the noblew...
Mantua, Ducal Palace acquires rare preparatory drawing by Lorenzo Costa the Younger

Mantua, Ducal Palace acquires rare preparatory drawing by Lorenzo Costa the Younger

New, important purchase for the Palazzo Ducale in Mantua: the museum in Piazza Sordello has in fact purchased, thanks to the support of Fondazione Comunità Mantovana, an important preparatory drawing by Lorenzo Costa the Younger (Mantua, 1537 ...
Mantua, a new line of socks inspired by the Hall of the Zodiac on sale at Palazzo d'Arco

Mantua, a new line of socks inspired by the Hall of the Zodiac on sale at Palazzo d'Arco

L'Arte inCalza is back at the Museum of Palazzo d'Arco in Mantua, to amaze with new experiments and creations: after the first successful experience, on the occasion of which two hundred and forty pairs of socks were sold in three months and whose pr...
Bright, tumultuous, splendid Pisanello: on the Mantua exhibition at the Ducal Palace.

Bright, tumultuous, splendid Pisanello: on the Mantua exhibition at the Ducal Palace.

To give an idea of the uniqueness of an exhibition featuring Pisanello as its protagonist, it will suffice to recall that twenty-one years have passed since the last exhibition dedicated to him (at the National Gallery in London, in 2001), and that i...
The Pisanello Tournament in Mantua. The story of the exciting discovery of a spectacular cycle

The Pisanello Tournament in Mantua. The story of the exciting discovery of a spectacular cycle

"One of the most important acquisitions in the field of art history in the 20th century": this is how, and rightly so, the director of the Ducal Palace in Mantua, Stefano L'Occaso, defines the discovery of the Arthurian cycle that one of the greatest...
Giulio Romano designer for the Gonzaga court. An exhibition on the subject is coming to Mantua.

Giulio Romano designer for the Gonzaga court. An exhibition on the subject is coming to Mantua.

From October 8, 2022 to January 8, 2023, the Fondazione Palazzo Te in Mantua presents the exhibition Giulio Romano. The Power of Things, curated by Barbara Furlotti and Guido Rebecchini. The exhibition is the last event of the 2022 exhibition season ...

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