Magic realism - Finestre sull'Arte

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Lecco, 20th century exhibitions continue: here is the chapter on the Return to Order

Lecco, 20th century exhibitions continue: here is the chapter on the Return to Order

Lecco 's Palazzo delle Paure hosts a new stage in the cycle of exhibitions Percorsi nel Novecento, a program conceived by the Direction of the Lecco Urban Museum System and entrusted for its design and implementation to ViDi Cultural. This series of ...
A major exhibition on Felice Casorati (more than 60 works) at the Magnani Rocca Foundation

A major exhibition on Felice Casorati (more than 60 works) at the Magnani Rocca Foundation

From March 18 to July 2, 2023, the Magnani Rocca Foundation in Mamiano di Traversetolo is hosting an exhibition dedicated to the entire career of Felice Casorati (Novara, 1883 - Turin, 1963). Entitled simply Felice Casorati, the exhibition, curated b...
Milan, at Palazzo Reale the great exhibition on Magic Realism, from Sironi to Carrà

Milan, at Palazzo Reale the great exhibition on Magic Realism, from Sironi to Carrà

From October 19, 2021 to February 27, 2022, Palazzo Reale in Milan hosts the exhibition Magic Realism. An Italian Style, dedicated to that particular declination of Italian art between the two world wars that, purified of the tensions of futurism and...

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