Ludovico Carracci - Finestre sull'Arte

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Pinacoteca Nazionale di Bologna acquires important work by Ludovico Carracci

Pinacoteca Nazionale di Bologna acquires important work by Ludovico Carracci

The Pinacoteca Nazionale di Bologna is enriched with a new work, the Holy Family with Saints John, Ursula and Matthias by Ludovico Carracci (Bologna, 1555 - 1619). The work joins the significant nucleus of 23 canvases by the Bolognese artist already ...
Carracci frescoes in Palazzo Fava in dialogue with modern and contemporary works.

Carracci frescoes in Palazzo Fava in dialogue with modern and contemporary works.

To celebrate the 400th anniversary of Ludovico Carracci's death, Bologna's Palazzo Fava presents through Feb. 16, 2020, an exhibition that places in dialogue the frescoes of Jason and Medea, the first collective work by Ludovico, Agostino and Annibal...
In Piacenza for three months you can climb the dome of the cathedral to see Ludovico Carracci's frescoes

In Piacenza for three months you can climb the dome of the cathedral to see Ludovico Carracci's frescoes

From Sept. 22, 2019 to Jan. 6, 2020, a new stage along the ascent to the dome of the cathedral comes to Piacenza: after the 2017 climb, when the protagonist was Guercino with the frescoes of the dome's sails, now the focus is on Ludovico Carracci (Bo...
The main floor of Bologna's Palazzo Fava reopens to the public: the first major cycle of Carracci frescoes is visible

The main floor of Bologna's Palazzo Fava reopens to the public: the first major cycle of Carracci frescoes is visible

Until September 16, 2018, it will be possible to admire the first major cycle of frescoes by Annibale, Agostino and Ludovico Carracci on the piano nobile of Palazzo Fava in Bologna. The piano no bile of the Bolognese palace reopens to the public, al...
Pinacoteca Nazionale di Bologna: Carracci between nature and history on display

Pinacoteca Nazionale di Bologna: Carracci between nature and history on display

The Pinacoteca Nazionale di Bologna is hosting until June 17, 2018 the exhibition"I Carracci tra natura e storia. Bologna and the Reformation of Art," an exhibition connected to the ongoing retrospective at the San Domenico Museums in Forlì,"T...
From Correggio to Guercino, masterpieces on paper by the Dukes of Este on display in Modena

From Correggio to Guercino, masterpieces on paper by the Dukes of Este on display in Modena

The exhibition of drawings Da Correggio a Guercino. Masterpieces on Paper from the Collection of the Dukes of Este, which opens the Emilian museum's 2018 exhibition season. An exhibition of great depth and sophistication that brings to the public wor...
Works from BPER collection on display in Modena, from Carracci to Guido Reni to Guercino

Works from BPER collection on display in Modena, from Carracci to Guido Reni to Guercino

From Saturday, Dec. 2, at 10 a.m. in Modena, Via Scudari 9, the exhibition "A Casket for Art. Ancient and Modern Paintings from BPER Bank Collections," an exhibition that kicks off the cultural project "The Gallery. Collection and Historical Archive,...

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