Joseph Mentessi - Finestre sull'Arte

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Ferrara, painting by Giuseppe Mentessi flies to New York for major exhibition

Ferrara, painting by Giuseppe Mentessi flies to New York for major exhibition

The Ferrara painting Panem nostrum quotidianum, a late 19th century work by Giuseppe Mentessi will go on loan to New York to be exhibited from January 25 to June 18, 2022 at CIMA (Center for Italian Modern Art). The painting will fly to the United St...
Joseph Mentessi's "Sad Vision": the secular ordeal of forgotten workers

Joseph Mentessi's "Sad Vision": the secular ordeal of forgotten workers

Bava Beccaris' savage cannons had raged with senseless brutality on the workers who had taken to the streets of Milan to demonstrate and protest against the rising price of bread. The general's bloody artillery had left dozens dead and hundre...
Cavallini Sgarbi collection on display in Ferrara

Cavallini Sgarbi collection on display in Ferrara

The exhibition "The Cavallini Sgarbi Collection. From Niccolò dell'Arca to Gaetano Previati. Art Treasures for Ferrara" will open Feb. 3 at the Castello Estense in Ferrara and will remain open until June 3. It is an exhibition of 130 works, i...

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