In the new installment of Art Night to be aired in its Rai premiere on Friday, Jan. 21, on Rai5 at 9:15 p.m., Neri Marcorè will take viewers on a Journey to Hell, between the one imagined by Hieronymus Bosch to the one that sprang from Dante's...
For the first time, until September 25, 2021, at the Tour de l'Archet in Morgex(Valle d'Aosta), the public will be able to admire 10 original illustrations and more than 40 preparatory drawings and pencil sketches that document the study and work o...
As part of major initiatives to celebrate the 700th anniversary of Dante Alighieri's death, Scuderie del Quirinale President Mario De Simoni has announced a major exhibition to be held at the Roman museum venue starting this fall devoted entirely toI...
Twenty years ago American artist Michael Mazur, among the most celebrated engravers of the 20th century, brought his interpretation of Dante'sInferno to the halls of the Castelvecchio Museum in Verona. From March 6 to October 3, 2021, on the occasion...