History of art criticism - Finestre sull'Arte

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Two years after his death, a series of study days in tribute to Germano Celant

Two years after his death, a series of study days in tribute to Germano Celant

On Tuesday, Sept. 13, 2022, at 5 p.m., Studio Celant and theAccademia Nazionale di San Luca will present Germano Celant in Perspective, the first thematic Study Day in Rome at Palazzo Carpegna, which is part of the project Germano Celant. Cronistoria...
As if there is no more criticism being done. In Italy, art criticism exists and lives, but it is diluted

As if there is no more criticism being done. In Italy, art criticism exists and lives, but it is diluted

Windows on Art 's invitation to discuss the fate of art criticism deserves a "critical response," and, in my opinion, it is good to start with some firm points. Art criticism is a job of substance, requiring preparation and expertise; a job, ...
Art criticism is dead, very dead, buried

Art criticism is dead, very dead, buried

That art criticism is dead, very dead, buried, is self-evident. That no one except the very small and self-referential contemporary art clique gives a damn is even more blatant, total. Not that this is a good thing, indeed it is tragic albeit...
Art as pedagogy. In Florence a series of meetings on the theme

Art as pedagogy. In Florence a series of meetings on the theme

MAD Murate Art District will host Spazio Aperto, a series of meetings curated by art critic Pietro Gaglianò focusing on the perception ofart as a pedagogical experience, from October 13 to November 10, 2021. Spazio Aperto is part of the Voice ...
Monsters in literature and art, from the 1800s to the present: an exhibition on the theme in Crema

Monsters in literature and art, from the 1800s to the present: an exhibition on the theme in Crema

From October 23 to December 12, 2021, the Museo Civico di Crema e del Cremasco is hosting in the Sale Agello the exhibition Monsters. The Dimension of the Beyond, curated by Silvia Scaravaggi. One will have the opportunity to admire 112 works on pape...
Raphael according to Roberto Longhi. From early iconoclasm to reevaluation.

Raphael according to Roberto Longhi. From early iconoclasm to reevaluation.

The recently concluded five-hundredth anniversary of Raphael has not been short of opportunities to bring to the public's attention even the critical fortune that the Urbino, for centuries, has known almost interrupted, and in this sense ...
History of art criticism: the New School of Vienna (Hans Sedlmayr, Otto Pächt)

History of art criticism: the New School of Vienna (Hans Sedlmayr, Otto Pächt)

When Alois Riegl presented in 1901 his concept of Kunstwollen, which we had discussed in the article devoted to the Vienna School of which Riegl himself was one of the leading exponents, a clear definition of what this "will to art" was through whi...
History of art criticism: form and relations, Roberto Longhi's method

History of art criticism: form and relations, Roberto Longhi's method

One of the most innovative and original art historians of the twentieth century was, without a shadow of a doubt, Roberto Longhi (Alba, 1890 - Florence, 1970): precocious talent (before he was thirty years old he had already written fundamental essay...

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