Swollen salumeria tits, prominent nipples, skin full of buttery health: these are some of the images that Arbasino, in Fratelli d'Italia, associates with the procubescent, seductive and buxom women who populate in large numbers the painting...
We know a good part of the biographical story of Guido Cagnacci, the great Romagna artist, thanks to a nucleus of letters and documents collected in the mid-18th century by a Rimini painter, Giovanni Battista Costa, who called Cagnacci an "excellen...
The exhibition "The Cavallini Sgarbi Collection. From Niccolò dell'Arca to Gaetano Previati. Art Treasures for Ferrara" will open Feb. 3 at the Castello Estense in Ferrara and will remain open until June 3.
It is an exhibition of 130 works, i...