Guido Cagnacci - Finestre sull'Arte

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Guido Cagnacci. The senses and the spirit

Guido Cagnacci. The senses and the spirit

Swollen salumeria tits, prominent nipples, skin full of buttery health: these are some of the images that Arbasino, in Fratelli d'Italia, associates with the procubescent, seductive and buxom women who populate in large numbers the painting...
Guido Cagnacci's Magdalene Taken to Heaven: the flesh and the spirit

Guido Cagnacci's Magdalene Taken to Heaven: the flesh and the spirit

We know a good part of the biographical story of Guido Cagnacci, the great Romagna artist, thanks to a nucleus of letters and documents collected in the mid-18th century by a Rimini painter, Giovanni Battista Costa, who called Cagnacci an "excellen...
Cavallini Sgarbi collection on display in Ferrara

Cavallini Sgarbi collection on display in Ferrara

The exhibition "The Cavallini Sgarbi Collection. From Niccolò dell'Arca to Gaetano Previati. Art Treasures for Ferrara" will open Feb. 3 at the Castello Estense in Ferrara and will remain open until June 3. It is an exhibition of 130 works, i...

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