Greece - Finestre sull'Arte

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Ruins as warning and memory: the Platonic Oath and the Acropolis of Athens

Ruins as warning and memory: the Platonic Oath and the Acropolis of Athens

In 1945, theArchitectural Press in London published a book of a few pages entitled Bombed Churches as War Memorial. The pamphlet argued that ruined churches damaged by the bombs of war should remain as such so that they could be transformed into visu...
Greece, Roman-era statue of young Hercules found. He possibly decorated a nymphaeum

Greece, Roman-era statue of young Hercules found. He possibly decorated a nymphaeum

During excavations at the archaeological site of Philippi, near Kavala in Greece, by theAristotle University of Thessaloniki team headed by Professor Natalia Poulos in collaboration with lecturers Anastasios Tantsis and Aristotle Menzos, a Roman-era ...
Fifth-century BC statue of Athena arrives in Palermo from Athens. It will remain in Italy for four years

Fifth-century BC statue of Athena arrives in Palermo from Athens. It will remain in Italy for four years

From the Acropolis Museum in Athens comes to the Regional Museum A. Salinas of Palermo the statue of the goddess Athena, where it will remain on public display for four years. The precious headless sculpture of Athena dates back to the fifth century ...

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