The University ofPisa is the holder of an extraordinary cultural and scientific heritage, which the Athenaeum has amassed over its very long history, dating back at least to 1343, the year it was officially established, although according to some his...
Turin is preparing to host a new exhibition of erotic graphics and photography: it is called Positions. The Ways of ********, and it is the first edition of an event dedicated to erotic art organized by Soluzioni Festival. From Oct. 29 to Nov. 3, in ...
From September 20, 2023 to January 7, 2024, theCentral Institute for Graphics, in the exhibition rooms of the Palazzo della Calcografia, Rome, presents the exhibition Regina Viarum. The Appian Way in Graphics between the Sixteenth and Twentieth Centu...
From May 17 to July 23, 2023 at theCentral Institute for Graphics, in the Palazzo della Calcografia, the exhibition Women Artists. Paths in Graphics from the 20th Century to the Present, curated by Luisa De Marinis and Ilaria Fiumi Sermattei. Promote...