Giorgio Cini Foundation - Finestre sull'Arte

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Fire as a means of artistic creation. At the Cini Foundation an exhibition on the theme

Fire as a means of artistic creation. At the Cini Foundation an exhibition on the theme

The Giorgio Cini Foundation on the Island of San Giorgio in Venice presents On Fire from April 22 to July 24, 2022, an exhibition entirely dedicated to the use of fire as a means of artistic creation in the post-World War II avant-garde. The exhibiti...
Gillo Dorfles' latest drawings on display at the Cini Foundation in Venice

Gillo Dorfles' latest drawings on display at the Cini Foundation in Venice

Until January 31, 2022, the Giorgio Cini Foundation in Venice is hosting an exhibition of the last drawings made by Gillo Dorfles a few months before his death in Milan on March 2, 2018. Ghiribizzi, this is the title of the exhibition, is curated by ...
How Venetian glass influenced American Studio Glass: an exhibition in Venice

How Venetian glass influenced American Studio Glass: an exhibition in Venice

In Venice, the spaces of the Giorgio Cini Foundation on theIsland of San Giorgio Maggiore will host, from September 6, 2020 to January 10, 2021, the 18th exhibition of the Le Stanze del Vetro project, entitled Venice and the American Glass Studio, cu...

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