Frida Kahlo - Finestre sull'Arte

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Padua the only Italian stop for a major exhibition dedicated to Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera

Padua the only Italian stop for a major exhibition dedicated to Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera

From February 14 to June 4, 2023, the Centro Culturale Altinate San Gaetano in Padua hosts Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera, curated by Daniela Ferretti. A major exhibition recounting the two Mexican artists, protagonists of one of the most famous love s...
Sensory exhibition in Trieste to discover the world of Frida Kahlo in 360°.

Sensory exhibition in Trieste to discover the world of Frida Kahlo in 360°.

From March 12 to July 23, 2022, the exhibition thesensory exhibition Frida Khalo - The Chaos Within, curated by Antonio Toribio Arévalo Villalba, Aleandra Matiz, Milagros Ancheita, Maria Rosso, arrives at the Salone degli Incanti in Trieste, w...
Frida Kahlo's record-breaking first self-portrait sold at auction at Sotheby's

Frida Kahlo's record-breaking first self-portrait sold at auction at Sotheby's

For the first time, a work by a Latin American artist has been sold at auction for a record sum: it is Diego y yo, a painting by Mexican artist Frida Kahlo, which was sold at Sotheby 's for the sum of nearly $35 million, $34,883,000 to be exact. Est...
Photo exhibition on Frida Kahlo opens in Bologna that re-creates environments, clothes and jewelry of the artist

Photo exhibition on Frida Kahlo opens in Bologna that re-creates environments, clothes and jewelry of the artist

From October 30, 2021 Palazzo Belloni in Bologna hosts Frida Kahlo - The Experience. Ojos que no ven corazón que no siente, an event intended to reveal the most intimate and private gaze of Mexico's most beloved artist. A Next Exhibition produ...
For the first time in Naples a major exhibition on Frida Kahlo with reproductions of the environments in which she lived

For the first time in Naples a major exhibition on Frida Kahlo with reproductions of the environments in which she lived

For the first time in Naples, the exhibition Frida Kahlo. The Chaos Within, on view at Palazzo Fondi until January 9, 2022. Curated by Milagros Ancheita, Alejandra Matiz, Maria Rosso and Antonio Arévalo, the exhibition is proposed as a sensory...
An exhibition of women-only art from 1870 to the present is coming to Switzerland

An exhibition of women-only art from 1870 to the present is coming to Switzerland

From Sept. 19, 2021 to Jan. 2, 2022, the Fondation Beyeler in Basel, Switzerland, is organizing the exhibition Close-up, an exhibition documenting women-onlyart from 1870 to the present: Berthe Morisot, Mary Cassatt, Paula Modersohn-Becker, Lotte Las...
An exhibition in Sansepolcro recounts the life of Frida Kahlo through historical images

An exhibition in Sansepolcro recounts the life of Frida Kahlo through historical images

Entitled Frida Kahlo. A Life in Pictures the exhibition that the Civic Museum of Sansepolcro is hosting from May 16 until Oct. 13, 2021. The exhibition, sponsored by the Municipality of Sansepolcro and organized by Civita Exhibitions and Museums and ...
From Goya to Eliasson via Rodin and Arp, a 2021 of great exhibitions at the Beyeler Foundation

From Goya to Eliasson via Rodin and Arp, a 2021 of great exhibitions at the Beyeler Foundation

The Beyeler Foundation in Basel has announced its rich exhibition program for 2021. A 2021 that has already begun, however, with a number of exhibitions already open that will run long into next year. The first, which opened on October 10 and runs un...

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