Francisco Goya - Finestre sull'Arte

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Rome, Caravaggio and Goya compared in an exhibition at the Capitoline Museums

Rome, Caravaggio and Goya compared in an exhibition at the Capitoline Museums

Caravaggio and Goya compared in an exhibition in Rome's Capitoline Museums. Entitled Goya and Caravaggio: Truth and Rebellion , the exhibition project that compares Caravaggio 's Buona ventura (Michelangelo Merisi; Milan, 1571 - Porto Ercole, 1610) a...
Basel hosts one of the largest ever exhibitions on Goya outside Spain

Basel hosts one of the largest ever exhibitions on Goya outside Spain

From October 10, 2021 to January 23, 2022, the Fondation Beyeler in Basel is organizing one of the largest exhibitions on Francisco Goya (Francisco de Goya y Lucientes; Fuendetodos, 1746 - Bordeaux, 1828) ever held outside Spain. Entitled sim...
From Pannini to Boucher and Goya, the great painting of the 18th century on display in Carrara

From Pannini to Boucher and Goya, the great painting of the 18th century on display in Carrara

An exhibition of great Italian and international artists of the eighteenth century to reconstruct the cultural climate in which one of the greatest artists of the eighteenth century, Giovanni Antonio Cybei (Carrara 1706 - 1784), worked, to wh...
For the first time in Italy, an exhibition investigates Goya's relationship with physiognomy

For the first time in Italy, an exhibition investigates Goya's relationship with physiognomy

For the first time it will come to Italy, after Madrid, Bordeaux, Algiers and Prague, the exhibition Goya Fisonomista. The Face of Goya's Graphic Work, which will be on display in the Sala Dalí of theInstituto Cervantes in Rome from April 29 t...
From Goya to Eliasson via Rodin and Arp, a 2021 of great exhibitions at the Beyeler Foundation

From Goya to Eliasson via Rodin and Arp, a 2021 of great exhibitions at the Beyeler Foundation

The Beyeler Foundation in Basel has announced its rich exhibition program for 2021. A 2021 that has already begun, however, with a number of exhibitions already open that will run long into next year. The first, which opened on October 10 and runs un...
The horrors of early 19th century Spain in Francisco Goya's Cuaderno C

The horrors of early 19th century Spain in Francisco Goya's Cuaderno C

The richest and most abundant of all the albums of drawings by Francisco de Goya y Lucientes (Fuendetodos, 1746 - Bordeaux, 1828): this is Cuaderno C, which art historian Enrique Lafuente Ferrari called "the most personal" and a work that "largel...
The city of Agen, France, dedicates a science exhibition to Goya

The city of Agen, France, dedicates a science exhibition to Goya

From November 8, 2019 to February 10, 2020, the Musée des Beaux-Arts d'Agen, France, presents the exhibition Goya, génie d'avant-garde, le maître et son école. The exhibition is part of research organized by the Louvre Mus...
Still lifes on display at the Sabauda Gallery: works by Goya, Zurbarán, Jan Brueghel and many others

Still lifes on display at the Sabauda Gallery: works by Goya, Zurbarán, Jan Brueghel and many others

From June 20 to September 30, 2018, the Sabauda Gallery in Turin is hosting the exhibition"Silence on the Canvas. Spanish Still Life from Sánchez Cotán to Goya." The exhibition dedicated to still life presents this theme through works ...

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