Franceschini Reform - Finestre sull'Arte

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Ministry export offices: should they be made "autonomous"?

Ministry export offices: should they be made "autonomous"?

It has already been amply clarified and repeated how the Renzi-Franceschini reform of 2015 has distorted the technical-scientific imprint of the ministry imagined by Giovanni Spadolini-valued and kept alive in Florence until the presence in service o...
"Autonomous museums: here's what would be the real change to consider": interview with Lorenzo Casini

"Autonomous museums: here's what would be the real change to consider": interview with Lorenzo Casini

Icom in Prague provided a new definition of what a museum should mean. But from a purely legal point of view, how should the spearheads of the state museum system be framed? The reference is to autonomous museums. On them the Meloni government contin...

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