Etruscan art - Finestre sull'Arte

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Outstanding discovery in Tarquinia: new painted tomb in Etruscan necropolis

Outstanding discovery in Tarquinia: new painted tomb in Etruscan necropolis

Extraordinary discovery at the Unesco site of Tarquinia, where archaeologists have found a new painted chamber tomb: the paintings on the walls show dance and workshop scenes. The discovery dates back to late 2022, although it was announced by the Vi...
How Etruscan art influenced twentieth-century art

How Etruscan art influenced twentieth-century art

The Etruscan civilization, with its aura of mystery, fascinating aesthetics and distinctive materials, was a powerful creative stimulus for artists, intellectuals and designers in the 20th century. To this day, many designers continue to be inspired ...
At the Mart in Rovereto and the Luigi Rovati Foundation in Milan, Etruscan civilization meets the art of 1900

At the Mart in Rovereto and the Luigi Rovati Foundation in Milan, Etruscan civilization meets the art of 1900

The exhibition Etruschi del Novecento, organized in collaboration between the Mart in Rovereto and the Luigi Rovati Foundation in Milan, aims to explore the cultural and artistic legacy of the Etruscans, interpreted through the lens of the 20th centu...
A precious Etruscan ivory stool is being restored in Bologna. Two-day construction site open to the public

A precious Etruscan ivory stool is being restored in Bologna. Two-day construction site open to the public

The Museo Civico Archeologico di Bologna, in collaboration with the Rotary Club of Bologna Est, has announced the restoration of an extremely rare Etruscan ivory stool from the 6th century B.C, from an Etruscan tomb discovered in 1887 at the Giardini...
Bibbona's Etruscan bronzes return home

Bibbona's Etruscan bronzes return home

Bibbona's Etruscan bronzes are coming home: in fact, the Centro Espositivo del Comune Vecchio in Bibbona (Livorno) is hosting the exhibition Bronzi Etruschi, la stirpe arcaica di Bibbona, curated by Fabrizio Burchianti, which offers visitors a chance...
An exhibition in Orvieto on the conquest of Velzna, the last city-state of Etruria

An exhibition in Orvieto on the conquest of Velzna, the last city-state of Etruria

The spaces of the "Claudio Faina" Etruscan Museum in Orvieto are ready to host the exhibition Volsino capto from September 7 to December 8, 2024 . 265-264 BC. The exhibition recounts a central episode in the history of Etruria: the conquest of Velzna...
Trevi-Trevilab Center hosts exhibition on the craft and artistic production of the Etruscans

Trevi-Trevilab Center hosts exhibition on the craft and artistic production of the Etruscans

The Trevi-Trevilab Center in Bolzano presents from October 24, 2024 to February 2, 2025 the exhibition Etruscans. Artists and Craftsmen, sponsored by the Autonomous Province of Bolzano, Italian Culture, thanks to the collaboration of the National Etr...
An exhibition in Bolzano investigates the art and craft production of the Etruscans

An exhibition in Bolzano investigates the art and craft production of the Etruscans

From Oct. 24, 2024 to Feb. 2, 2025, the Trevi-Trevilab Center in Bolzano is hosting the exhibition Etruscans. Artists and Craftsmen, curated by Maria Paola Guidobaldi and Valentina Belfiore and promoted by the Autonomous Province of Bolzano in collab...

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