Engravings - Finestre sull'Arte

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Luigi Bartolini and early 20th century Italian engraving on display in Collesalvetti

Luigi Bartolini and early 20th century Italian engraving on display in Collesalvetti

Collesalvetti 's Pinacoteca Comunale "Carlo Servolini" (Municipal Art Gallery ) is hosting, at its Villa Carmignani venue in Poggio Pallone, the exhibition Luigi Bartolini and Italian etchers at the time of Cesare Ratta, scheduled from May 30 to Octo...
In Mantua, a great 16th-century engraver, Giovanni Battista Scultori, on display for the first time

In Mantua, a great 16th-century engraver, Giovanni Battista Scultori, on display for the first time

An exhibition dedicated to an important sixteenth-century engraver, Giovanni Battista Scultori (Mantua, 1503 - 1575): this is the one that from April 20 to July 21, 2024 is welcomed in the rooms of the Ducal Palace in Mantua. The exhibition Giovan Ba...
Giovanni Battista Piranesi's Views of Rome on display at the National Gallery of Umbria

Giovanni Battista Piranesi's Views of Rome on display at the National Gallery of Umbria

The exhibition Piranesi in the Collections of the National Gallery of Umbria, curated by Carla Scagliosi, is on view until January 8, 2023. Through sixty-one etchings dedicated to the ancient and modern beauties of Rome and its environs taken from th...
Sansepolcro celebrates Raphael Schiaminossi engraver 400 years after his death

Sansepolcro celebrates Raphael Schiaminossi engraver 400 years after his death

Open to the public from July 3 to Sept. 26, 2022, at the Piero della Francesca Civic Museum in Sansepolcro is the exhibition Raffaello Schiaminossi Engraver, dedicated to an illustrious Biturgensian, Raffaello Schiaminossi (Sansepolcro, 1572 - 1622)...

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