Ducal Palace of Urbino - Finestre sull'Arte

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Marche National Gallery opens up to dance and gesture with Virgilio Sieni's project

Marche National Gallery opens up to dance and gesture with Virgilio Sieni's project

On July 15, 16 and 17, 2022, the Galleria Nazionale delle Marche in the Palazzo Ducale in Urbino presents Il silenzio vicino, a project by the Centro Nazionale di Produzione della Danza Virgilio Sieni in collaboration with Galleria Nazionale delle Ma...
National Gallery of the Marches: new rooms open on the second floor. And hitherto unvisitable rooms

National Gallery of the Marches: new rooms open on the second floor. And hitherto unvisitable rooms

On July 14, 2022, the western wing of the second floor of the Galleria Nazionale delle Marche, which is housed in the Ducal Palace in Urbino, will be inaugurated: eight new rooms dedicated to painting from the 16th to the 18th century, landscape, por...
On Rai5 two documentaries on the Ducal Palace of Urbino and on Raphael

On Rai5 two documentaries on the Ducal Palace of Urbino and on Raphael

Airing this evening, Friday, April 1, at 9:15 p.m. in prime time on Rai5 is a new episode of Art Night, the program hosted by Neri Marcorè from Silvia De Felice and Emanuela Avallone, Massimo Favia, and Alessandro Rossi, directed by Andrea Mon...
Perugino stars in an exhibition at Urbino's Ducal Palace curated by Vittorio Sgarbi

Perugino stars in an exhibition at Urbino's Ducal Palace curated by Vittorio Sgarbi

After the exhibition Raphael and Baldassare Castiglione, the Ducal Palace of Urbino is dedicating a new show to a master of the Italian Renaissance, Pietro Vannucci known as Perugino (Città della Pieve, c. 1448 - Fontignano, 1523): this is the...
Urbino, on precious tapestries Raphael's frescoes from the Vatican Rooms

Urbino, on precious tapestries Raphael's frescoes from the Vatican Rooms

The fortunes of Raphael Sanzio, the great Urbino artist who died at the age of only thirty-seven on Good Friday 1520 (the five-hundredth anniversary of his death fell in 2020), also passed through tapestries, for which he conceived and made the great...
Caravaggio's last heir on display in Urbino

Caravaggio's last heir on display in Urbino

Until June 27, 2021, the rooms of the Castellare of the Ducal Palace in Urbino are hosting the exhibition Luciano Ventrone. The Painter of Hyperbole, curated by Vittorio Sgarbi. Forty-five works by the recently deceased artist, a master of virtuosi...
At the Galleria Nazionale delle Marche, Raphaelesque tapestries recreate the frescoes of the Vatican Stanze

At the Galleria Nazionale delle Marche, Raphaelesque tapestries recreate the frescoes of the Vatican Stanze

Opening May 21 at the Ducal Palace in Urbino, home of the Galleria Nazionale delle Marche, is the exhibition On the Thread of Raphael. Enterprise and Fortune in the Art of Tapestry, with which the celebrations for the five-hundredth anniversary of Ra...

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