Drawing - Finestre sull'Arte

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Drawing is bare sculpture. Conversation with Riccardo Gemma

Drawing is bare sculpture. Conversation with Riccardo Gemma

A conversation with Riccardo Gemma (Rome, 1963), a graphic designer and illustrator who talks to us about his art. After art high school he graduated from the IED, as a graphic designer he works freelance, mainly in publishing for contemporary art. H...
Week dedicated to drawing and works on paper, contemporary and 20th century, returns to Milan

Week dedicated to drawing and works on paper, contemporary and 20th century, returns to Milan

From Saturday, November 19 to Sunday, November 27, 2022, Milano Drawing Week returns to the Lombard capital with its second edition. The event is presented by the Ramo Collection and is in collaboration with and under the patronage of theDepartment o...
The satire of Goya and Grosz, among the greatest cartoonists, on display in Parma

The satire of Goya and Grosz, among the greatest cartoonists, on display in Parma

At Palazzo Pigorini in Parma the exhibition Goya - Grosz. The Sleep of Reason, in which the Caprichos of Francisco Goya y Lucientes (Fuendetodos, 1746 - Bordeaux, 1828) and the drawings and paintings of George Grosz (Georg Ehrenfried Gross; Berlin, 1...
In Terni comes Kid Design Week, the festival of creativity for children (and not only)

In Terni comes Kid Design Week, the festival of creativity for children (and not only)

From October 3 to 9, 2022, Kid Design Week, a festival of creativity for adults and children, returns to Terni. A week full of events intended to create unprecedented relationships between the individual and the idea of experience, starting with wide...
The doodle in art, from Leonardo da Vinci to Cy Twombly

The doodle in art, from Leonardo da Vinci to Cy Twombly

From March 3 to May 22, 2022, theAcademy of France in Rome - Villa Medici presents a preview of the exhibition Gribouillage / Scarabocchio. From Leonardo da Vinci to Cy Twombly, curated by Francesca Alberti and Diane Bodart, with the collaboration of...
The first edition of Milano Drawing Week kicks off: the annual event dedicated to drawing and works on paper

The first edition of Milano Drawing Week kicks off: the annual event dedicated to drawing and works on paper

From November 20 to 28, 2021, the first edition of Milano Drawing Week will be held in Milan, curated by Collezione Ramo: a new annual event dedicated to drawing and works on paper sponsored by the City of Milan|Cultura. The event consists of a fifte...
New Van Gogh drawing discovered: It is a rare event

New Van Gogh drawing discovered: It is a rare event

A new drawing by Vincent van Gogh has been discovered: it is the preparatory study for Worn Out (literally "exhausted"), the famous drawing that the artist made in November 1882 and which depicts precisely a tired, hunched over old man sitting on a c...
In Città di Castello, drawing master Omar Galliani confronts Raphael

In Città di Castello, drawing master Omar Galliani confronts Raphael

From Sept. 18 to Nov. 18, 2021, the Galleria delle Arti in Città di Castello (Perugia), founded in 1976 by Luigi Amadei, presents the solo exhibition of Omar Galliani (Montecchio Emilia, 1954) entitled From and for Raphael, with a text by Ital...

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