Carlo Carrà - Finestre sull'Arte

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From De Nittis to Fontana, in Lecco the great Italian masters narrate the landscape

From De Nittis to Fontana, in Lecco the great Italian masters narrate the landscape

In Lecco, until November 21, 2021 the exhibition Paesaggi Possibili. From De Nittis to Morlotti, Carrà to Fontana. Curated by Simona Bartolena, produced and produced by ViDi - Visit Different, and in collaboration with the Municipality of Lec...
Carrà 140: Alessandria traces the art of the great avant-garde painter

Carrà 140: Alessandria traces the art of the great avant-garde painter

On the occasion of the 140th anniversary of the birth of Carlo Carrà (Quargnento 1881 - Milan 1966), Alessandria pays homage to the famous painter, among the protagonists of the avant-garde, with an exhibition: in fact, it will be the Quadreri...
Graphics by Carlo Carrà and Arturo Martini on display in Verbania with more than 90 works

Graphics by Carlo Carrà and Arturo Martini on display in Verbania with more than 90 works

From June 13 to October 3, 2021, the Museo del Paesaggio in Verbania is dedicating an exhibition devoted to the graphic art of two 20th century greats, namely Carlo Carrà (Quargnento, 1881 - Milan, 1966) and Arturo Martini (Treviso, 1889 -...
In Pavia, Caravaggesque works dialogue with De Pisis, De Chirico and Carrà

In Pavia, Caravaggesque works dialogue with De Pisis, De Chirico and Carrà

In Pavia, for the spring exhibition season, the Culture, Education, Youth Policy Department of the City of Pavia is organizing the exhibition De Chirico, De Pisis, Carrà. The Hidden Life of Things, at the Musei Civici del Castello Visconteo fr...
A major anthological exhibition on Carlo Carrà to be held at Milan's Palazzo Reale

A major anthological exhibition on Carlo Carrà to be held at Milan's Palazzo Reale

Palazzo Reale in Milan will host an exhibition dedicated to one of the greatest artists of the 20th century, Carlo Carrà (1881 - 1966), from October 4, 2018 to February 3, 2019. Hailed as the largest and most significant anthological exhibiti...
From Casorati to Carrà, magic realism is on display at the Mart

From Casorati to Carrà, magic realism is on display at the Mart

From December 3, 2017 to April 2, 2018, the Mart in Rovereto is the scene of a major international exhibition dedicated to magic realism and curated by Gabriella Belli and Valerio Terraroli: it is Magic Realism. Enchantment in Italian Painting of the...

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