Canaletto - Finestre sull'Arte

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Canaletto and Guardi forever

Canaletto and Guardi forever

What a blow to old Luca Carlevarijs this story was. He had been in Venice for some time devoted to picturesque landscape painting and was therefore also the leading specialist in topographical veduta, a genre he cultivated with the merit of t...
Special guest at Ca' d'Oro: a Canaletto from Milan's Castello Sforzesco

Special guest at Ca' d'Oro: a Canaletto from Milan's Castello Sforzesco

From Aug. 6 to Oct. 24, 2021, the special guest of the Giorgio Franchetti Gallery at Ca' d'Oro will be Canaletto 's veduta depicting Il Molo verso ovest with the Zecca and the column of San Teodoro from the Civica Pinacoteca of the Castello Sforzesco...
A major exhibition in Venice on Canaletto and 18th century Venice from Tiepolo to Rosalba Carriera

A major exhibition in Venice on Canaletto and 18th century Venice from Tiepolo to Rosalba Carriera

From February 23 to June 9, 2019, Venice will host, in the Doge'sApartment of the Doge's Palace, the exhibition Canaletto and Venice, an in-depth study that, starting from the great protagonist of the Venetian eighteenth century, Giovanni Antonio Can...
Venice and St. Petersburg meet in an exhibition in Mestre that brings the Hermitage works back home

Venice and St. Petersburg meet in an exhibition in Mestre that brings the Hermitage works back home

The State Hermitage Museum holds one of the richest collections of Venetian art in the world-a collection that is now partly returning to the Veneto region, and to be exact to Mestre, to be displayed at the exhibition Venice and St. Petersburg. Artis...
Special openings every Monday in June for Canaletto exhibition in Rome

Special openings every Monday in June for Canaletto exhibition in Rome

The Museum of Rome will hold special openings every Monday in June (June 4, 11, 18 and 25) for the exhibition "Canaletto 1697-1768," which we reported on here, to allow as wide an audience as possible to admire the largest nucleus of works ever exhib...
Canaletto 1697-1768 on display in Rome with paintings shown for the first time in Italy

Canaletto 1697-1768 on display in Rome with paintings shown for the first time in Italy

On the occasion of the 250th anniversary of the death of Giovanni Antonio Canal(Venice 1697 - 1768), known as Canaletto, the Museum of Rome will host a major retrospective exhibition dedicated to the great Venetian painter and engraver that will be o...
From Canaletto to Guardi, Venetian vedutismo is on stage in the principality of Monaco

From Canaletto to Guardi, Venetian vedutismo is on stage in the principality of Monaco

It opened last Dec. 20 and runs through Jan. 20, 2018, for The magical light of Venise, an exhibition that brings works by some of the great masters of eighteenth-century Venetianvedutismo, including Canaletto, Michele Marieschi, Francesco Guardi, an...

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