Barcelona - Finestre sull'Arte

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The Hermitage will not have its branch in Barcelona. The promoters will give up on the project

The Hermitage will not have its branch in Barcelona. The promoters will give up on the project

Contrary to what was planned, theHermitage in St. Petersburg will not have its branch in Barcelona. Designed by internationally renowned Japanese architect Toyo Ito, who was awarded the Prizker Prize in 2013, the multi-level white building of more th...
Major exhibition in Spain on Félix González-Torres, artist of queer identity

Major exhibition in Spain on Félix González-Torres, artist of queer identity

The MACBA - Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Barcelona is organizing, from March 26 to September 12, 2021, a major retrospective exhibition on the great Cuban artist Félix González-Torres (Guámairo, 1957 - Madrid, 1996), who...
Miroglyphics: the fantastic world of Joan Miró as a language to learn to read

Miroglyphics: the fantastic world of Joan Miró as a language to learn to read

The celebrated French writer and poet Raymond Queneau (Le Havre, 1903 - Paris, 1976) coined in 1949, in his essay Joan Miró ou le poète préhistorique, a new term to refer to the pictorial works of the Catalan artist Joan Mir&oacu...
A grand corner of ancient Rome in Barcelona: the Temple d'August

A grand corner of ancient Rome in Barcelona: the Temple d'August

Wandering through the alleys of Barcelona's Barri Gòtic, or the city's oldest neighborhood, you may find yourself in front of a historic stone building with a large entrance. Intrigued, you will stop in front of an iron sign from the early twentieth...

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