Appia Antica Archaeological Park - Finestre sull'Arte

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Life-size statue of Hercules found on Appia Antica

Life-size statue of Hercules found on Appia Antica

During excavation work by Acea con Bacino sud SRL, which has had a construction site active for several months for a difficult overhaul and remediation of the sewer conduit, a life-size marble statue was found in the area of Parco Scott, between Cris...
MiC, started the Unesco nomination process of the Via Appia Antica. It is an itinerary to be enhanced

MiC, started the Unesco nomination process of the Via Appia Antica. It is an itinerary to be enhanced

The Via Appia Antica could become a UNESCO World Heritage Site: the Ministry of Culture has started the nomination process in the integral route from Rome to Brindisi and including the Trajan variant. In fact, the well-preserved infrastructural, arch...
Rome, new section of via Latina discovered thanks to georadars

Rome, new section of via Latina discovered thanks to georadars

Thanks to the collaboration betweenLa Sapienza University of Rome, Roma Tre and the Appia Antica Archaeological Park, another section of the Via Latina, near the Villa dei Sette Bassi, has been discovered with the help of georadars. The excavation wa...

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