Antonio Ligabue Museum Foundation - Finestre sull'Arte

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Who was Antonio Ligabue? An exhibition in Modena to learn about the man, the artist, and his greatness

Who was Antonio Ligabue? An exhibition in Modena to learn about the man, the artist, and his greatness

Browsing through the ever-expanding bibliography devoted to Antonio Ligabue, it will not be uncommon to come across comparisons with Vincent van Gogh, a painter with whom Ligabue shared part of the personal story (both experienced loneliness, margina...
Unpublished works by Nerone, 20th century painter who was inspired by Ligabue, on display in Bressanone

Unpublished works by Nerone, 20th century painter who was inspired by Ligabue, on display in Bressanone

Until Oct. 30, 2021, the Galerie Hofburg in Brixen hosts for the first time the works of the famous artist Nero (Sergio Terzi; Villarotta di Luzzara, 1939 - 2021). On display are previously unpublished works, more than eighty in number, characterized...
Antonio Ligabue and his world: a major anthological exhibition at the Fortress of Bard

Antonio Ligabue and his world: a major anthological exhibition at the Fortress of Bard

From October 29, 2021 to January 9, 2022, the Fortress of Bard will host a major anthological exhibition dedicated to Antonio Ligabue. The exhibition aims to trace his artistic activity, from the late 1920s to 1962, the year in which he was forced to...
Gualtieri dedicates an evening to Ligabue: viewing of award-winning film and special opening of exhibition

Gualtieri dedicates an evening to Ligabue: viewing of award-winning film and special opening of exhibition

Thursday, September 16, 2021 at 8:30 p.m. in Piazza Bentivoglio in Gualtieri (Reggio Emilia) is the screening of the award-winning film Volevo nascondermi (I wanted to hide ) by Giorgio Diritti. The event officially opens the fall exhibition season o...
In Gualtieri an unprecedented confrontation between Ligabue and contemporary figurative artists

In Gualtieri an unprecedented confrontation between Ligabue and contemporary figurative artists

From May 8 to November 14, 2021, the Antonio Ligabue Museum Foundation of Gualtieri (Reggio Emilia) presents at Palazzo Bentivoglio the exhibition Ligabue, the rediscovered figure. 11 contemporary artists compared, curated by Nadia Stefanel and Matt...
Ferrara, major exhibition dedicated to Ligabue reopens at Palazzo dei Diamanti

Ferrara, major exhibition dedicated to Ligabue reopens at Palazzo dei Diamanti

The exhibition dedicated to Antonio Ligabue set up at Ferrara 's Palazzo dei Diamanti will reopen from Monday, February 1, 2021, and by February 12 the city's other museums will also open their doors to welcome visitors back in attendance. This was a...
Ligabue, Guttuso, Pirandello: three artists on display at Reggio Emilia's Galleria de' Bonis

Ligabue, Guttuso, Pirandello: three artists on display at Reggio Emilia's Galleria de' Bonis

From January 30 to February 27, 2021, Galleria de' Bonis in Reggio Emilia presents the exhibition Arte Fiera Arrives in the Gallery. Man, Nature and the Environment in the History of Art, which stems from a nucleus of works collected for Arte Fiera, ...
Ferrara, a major exhibition on Antonio Ligabue at Palazzo dei Diamanti with more than 100 works

Ferrara, a major exhibition on Antonio Ligabue at Palazzo dei Diamanti with more than 100 works

A new exhibition on Antonio Ligabue (Zurich, 1899 - Gualtieri, 1965) : the exhibition Antonio Ligabue. A Life as an Artist, curated by Marzio Dall'Acqua and Vittorio Sgarbi with the supervision of Augusto Agosta Tota, and organized by Fondazione Ferr...

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