From March 29 to July 17, 2022, the Royal Palace in Palermo will host the exhibition For Freedom by renowned photographer Steve McCurry. The exhibition aims to be a photographic account of a drama in full swing, a rallying cry for Afghan women's righ...
Exclusive interview by Windows on Art. Last August 15, after 20 years, Afghanistan returned under the control of the Taliban, who entered Kabul that very day. The world now fears that there could be a repeat of the scenes of destruction and looti...
The Taliban are back in power in Afghanistan after 20 years: it was 2001 when the fundamentalist regime was brought down after the U.S. intervention in support of the Northern Alliance was able to retake Kabul in November of that year. Last Aug...
"The valley was dominated by a feeling of emptiness, of vertigo, disappeared the magic that emanated from above. It seemed to you that they had kidnapped the two guardians, beneficent, who from their position guaranteed a balance. The two Bud...