For the Olympics, an issue of Finestre Sull'Arte paper on sports in art

On the occasion of the Paris 2024 Olympics, the next issue of the print quarterly Finestre Sull'Arte will be dedicated to sports in art, from antiquity to the present. Here is the full table of contents. There is time until May 15 to subscribe or reserve a copy.

For the summer of the Paris 2024 Olympics, Finestre Sull’Arte has imagined an issue of our printed quarterly all about sports. Just as the competitions of the Olympic and Paralympic Games will be held, here our magazine brings you a journey in sports from ancient times to the present through art. Issue 22 of our print quarterly (June-July-August 2024) will be available from June: you can buy a single copy for 10.90 euros or subscribe for only 39.90 euros per year (you will receive four issues, 176 pages each bound in fine paperback with high-quality print images and monographic articles). Here is the full table of contents. To subscribe or pre-order a single copy, there is time until May 15. Click here for more information about subscription.

News: The recomposition of the Fieschi monument in Genoa. Article by Ilaria Baratta.

News: debate on “Diversified museum experiences: to what extent should museums be museums?” Speakers: Irene Baldriga (Associate Professor of Museology, Museum Policies, Museum Didactics, University of Rome La Sapienza), Vincenzo Bellelli (Director, Archaeological Park of Cerveteri and Tarquinia), Valeria Cafà (Director, Musei Civici di Vicenza), Sandro Debono (Museologist, Museum Thinker), Diego Galizzi (Director, Musei Civici di Imola), Antonella Gioli (Associate Professor of Museology, University of Pisa), Antonio Iommelli (Director, Musei Civici di Palazzo Farnese, Piacenza), Marta Paraventi (Art Historian, Lecturer, Accademia di Belle Arti di Macerata), Davide Quadrio (Director, MAO, Turin).

Works and artists: Sport in ancient Greece. Article by Giorgio Dellacasa

Works and artists: The canoe in the art of the Impressionists. Article by Ilaria Baratta

Works and artists: The kairos in the Discobolus and the Boxer of Palazzo Massimo. Article by Noemi Capoccia

Works and artists: Boxing according to Jean-Michel Basquiat. Article by Jacopo Suggi

Grand Tour: The Halls of Games in Ferrara’s Castello Estense

Contemporary Lounge: Sport in contemporary Italian art from Schifano to Bertozzi&Casoni. Article by Francesca Anita Gigli (cover story)

Contemporary Lounge: Cosimo Casoni, making painting with a skateboard. Article by Federica Schneck

Away from the spotlight, chosen by the editor: Notes on Rubens’ Trinity in Mantua. Article by Federico Giannini.

Awayfrom the spotlight: a new Immaculata by Giovanni Antonio Cybei. Article by Andrea Fusani

In the spotlight: The path of Piet Mondrian. Article by Tristana Chinni

For the Olympics, an issue of Finestre Sull'Arte paper on sports in art
For the Olympics, an issue of Finestre Sull'Arte paper on sports in art

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