Art figurines are back. The fourth collection is dedicated to the four elements

Starting Dec. 13, 2022, art figurines return with the Artonauts album. The fourth collection is inspired by King Solomon's ring and is dedicated to the four elements. Plus there is a contest.

The fourth collection of Artonauts, the figurines of art, is dedicated to masterpieces that explore the four elements: air, water. earth and fire, taking inspiration from the legend ofKing Solomon’s ring, according to which the ring has the power to rule the earth, winds, seas, fire and every other force of nature. The new art figurine collection will be available from December 13, 2022 on newsstands and online at with the new album King Solomon’s Ring.

A journey that opens to a series of works that contrast each other as in life, in a dual reality that seems to be made up of opposites, but which turn out to be the two sides of the same coin: stillness and storm, boldness and fear, heaven and earth, music and silence... masterpieces to look at, observe and play with. What secrets lie behind Vermeer’s The Girl with Turban or Friedrich’s The Wayfarer on the Sea of Fog? The Sightsavers will discover that everything around us possesses energy, we just need to learn to “feel” it: thus stars come to life while looking at van Gogh’s The Starry Night, the wind makes itself felt in Béraud’s works, Rembrandt’s sea overwhelms the viewer, and fire releases its full force in Turner’s canvas.

In addition, together with Sightsavers Italia Onlus, Artonauti is committed to saving children living in the poorest parts of the world from blindness. Artonauti collectors, too, by buying packs of cards from the new collection, will thus help to cure more and more children. For a child living in a developing country, losing sight means being destined to a life of isolation, poverty and suffering, lack of autonomy and great difficulty in accessing education. Getting back to sight means getting back to life. Sightsavers is an organization that has been working in over thirty countries around the world since 1950 to defeat avoidable blindness and safeguard the rights of people with disabilities. Since 2007 it has also been based in Italy, in Milan.

The album consists of 68 pages with 56 works of art to reconstruct thanks to the 192 figurines. That’s not all: inside, games such as Sharpen Your Sight and Riddle will guide readers to discover the works of art, while in-depth information and multimedia activities will allow the journey to continue beyond the collection. Sticking the figurines will allow readers to admire works by Monet, Renoir, Caravaggio, Hopper, Magritte, Picasso and many many more.

The album is also intended to be an intergenerational tool that allows young people and adults to compare and challenge each other until the last sticker. Artonauts promotes culture, sociability, play and relationships-that’s how art becomes a child’s play!

This year’s packs will also include, in addition to the figurines, Elements’ cards, forty-one special cards with which you can engage in a challenge between elements: who will win between water, earth, air, and fire? Each card has different characteristics and represents a detail of a work of art.

There is also a contest: Traveling with the Artonauts 2023, with more than seventy art-themed prizes, including a specially created experience with a tour operator specializing in cultural travel that has arranged special itineraries dedicated to the winners and in perfect Artonauts style. A visit to an art city, a museum or an experiential tour to discover the beauty of an Italian city.

Artonauti. L'anello di Salomone
Artonauts. King Solomon’s Ring

Art figurines are back. The fourth collection is dedicated to the four elements
Art figurines are back. The fourth collection is dedicated to the four elements

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